Wednesday, February 27, 2013

God Is Probably Tired Of Being Misinterpreted

  I'm no biblical scholar, but in the bible doesn't it say something to the effect that God's thoughts are so far above the comprehension of man that they are like the stars in the heavens? Didn't the bible, thousands of years ago start out as an oral tradition? The bible was finally written down edited by different religious faiths and translated into English. The Catholic bible contains 7 more books held sacred by Catholics than the King James version. The Jewish tradition , I think, is mostly based on the old testament. Now fast forward to today's priests preachers, rabbi's, and self proclaimed holy men. Some of these ego-maniacal zealots claim they speak for God and understand his plans for you. Every time there is some horrendous tragedy some so called man or woman of God says this was God's will or it was because America is becoming a Godless nation. Doesn't it say, in the bible somewhere, to BEWARE false prophets?Take a hard look at these puffy haired mega church pastors preaching made up prosperity gospels while they rake in millions. Wasn't it Jesus that said to the rich man who wanted to follow him to sell all his possessions first and give the money to the poor? That man just walked away because he couldn't part with his stuff. Isn't there another passage that says it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a cmel to pass through the eye of a needle? Bet you never hear these hair sprayed idols quote these verses's. 

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