Wednesday, February 27, 2013
God Is Probably Tired Of Being Misinterpreted
I'm no biblical scholar, but in the bible doesn't it say something to the effect that God's thoughts are so far above the comprehension of man that they are like the stars in the heavens? Didn't the bible, thousands of years ago start out as an oral tradition? The bible was finally written down edited by different religious faiths and translated into English. The Catholic bible contains 7 more books held sacred by Catholics than the King James version. The Jewish tradition , I think, is mostly based on the old testament. Now fast forward to today's priests preachers, rabbi's, and self proclaimed holy men. Some of these ego-maniacal zealots claim they speak for God and understand his plans for you. Every time there is some horrendous tragedy some so called man or woman of God says this was God's will or it was because America is becoming a Godless nation. Doesn't it say, in the bible somewhere, to BEWARE false prophets?Take a hard look at these puffy haired mega church pastors preaching made up prosperity gospels while they rake in millions. Wasn't it Jesus that said to the rich man who wanted to follow him to sell all his possessions first and give the money to the poor? That man just walked away because he couldn't part with his stuff. Isn't there another passage that says it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a cmel to pass through the eye of a needle? Bet you never hear these hair sprayed idols quote these verses's.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
2013 Has Become A Twilight Zone Episode
The late great Rod Serling wrote,produced, and introduced many of his Twilight Zone episodes.All of these excellent little stories were morality plays. One episode in particular reminds me of the state of the world today." I Am The Night Color Me Black," was a story of a great unnatural darkness spreading over the world due to the meanness and hatred of mankind. Sure this was a metaphor for the cold war and the troubled 1960's but it definitely is a relevant story for today. Look at the spreading hatred of 2013. America is is more divided now than during the civil war. Congress refused to allocate prompt emergency aid for hurricane victims. A majority of house congressmen want to defund social programs for the poor. Terrorism and war are destroying the Middle East. Countries all over the world, including this one, are trying to restrict the freedom women should have over their own bodies. Religious leaders allow the destruction of children's souls and then protect the defilers. More than 300 million weapons of personal destruction go unregulated with more on the way.In the Twilight Zone episode darkness slowly covered the earth. In 2013 maybe the metaphorical darkness will take the form of dark clouds from monstrous weather patterns spreading over the abused planet.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Stupid Party Is Showing It's Ignorance
Ignorance is bliss, and the stupid party is extremely blissful. Republicans who voted for the sequester by 174 votes led by John Boehner, who claimed he got 98% of what he wanted, are now trying to blame it on the President. No matter how stupid this party has become they must realize their past actions and comments have been recorded. The majority of Americans aren't buying the rotten garbage they are trying to pass off as a gourmet meal. The coming chaos is owned solely by the stupid party. It is obvious they will do almost anything to keep the President and his party from governing. The Stupids want America to be run like an unregulated casino, and let the chips fall where they may. If you don't believe in science, climate change, evolution, or the earth being more than 10,000 years old you have the creds to be an outstanding member in the stupid party. I say if Americans are to rely only upon themselves, then when the next hurricane hits the red states,and it will hit, remember you are on your own. It is time for the Stupids to adopt a new logo. The Dodo bird would be a perfect fit. This is the extinct bird too stupid to realize it was causing it's own extinction.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
The Totally Unloyal Opposistion
The phrase loyal opposition no longer applies in today's America. In more civilized times politicians of both parties at least agreed that we were one country.Not anymore. Now we are two separate warring camps of enemies.Republicans cannot stand the president and his party. This is plainly obvious to anyone with eyes and ears. We are as divided ,as a nation , as we were in the 1860's. Maybe even more so. Being a Democrat I personally find Republican ideas abhorrent. The Republican remedy,because it certainly isn't a solution, is to let unregulated capitalism run wild. No regulations,every man for himself. Notice how I didn't include women, because it seems women and their reproductive functions must be subject to the whims of Republican legislators.Yes a politician who thumps his bible while pontificating that he knows what god wants for America is not my cup of tea party. The current thinking is that liberals and conservatives have brains that are wired differently. I think we evolved from two different tribes, the Cro magnons and the Neanderthals.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
What to do if People Aren't Buying What You're Selling
The question for Republican politicians is what do you do to make the unpalatable garbage you are trying to force feed average Americans, palatable? They've tried changing words like millionaires and billionaires to job creators. They've tried repeating over and over trite slogans like,it's not a revenue problem it's a spending problem. They have gerrymandered congressional districts. In states that voted for Obama and are governed by Republicans they want to redistribute electoral college votes. They are now engaged with doing a cosmetic face lift by putting lipstick on the idea bereft white elephant. Even the most beautiful waitress in the world can't make rancid garbage acceptable. The President invited members of families of horrendous gun violence to his state of the union. The Republicans invited Ted Nugent. A Republican senator, who proudly admitted after the Sandy Hook massacre that he owns an assault rifle, is going to filibuster the president's nominee for secretary of defense. Some chicken-hawk Republican senators actually question the patriotism of the twice wounded veteran nominee for defense secretary,a Republican himself. If you put cooks in charge of the national kitchen and they serve tainted food it's time to fire them and bring in new ones.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Is Creativity Dead ?
Judging by the amount of remakes of movies, I would have to say that, as far as creativity is concerned, the entertainment industry seems dead. Special effects and pretty faces now substitute for acting skills and plot lines. How many one trick pony movies about zombies are we expected to swallow? Zombie movies consist of don't get bit and shoot them in the head. How many times can they remake the movies King Kong or Robin Hood? Brilliant movies like The Omen and The Thing should be allowed to stand alone not endlessly remade. There are millions of novels that are worthy of being visually told but the money in the entertainment industry always plays it safe and repeats repeats remakes. Another worked to death plot is the revenge plot. Someone wrongs the snarling anti hero and the bodies pile up. Vampires have gone from the loathsome un-dead to moping love interests for tweens and jaded old ladies. Who picks what movies are to be made? I think it is some acne afflicted 15 year old reading comic books and watching cartoons. The reasons adults have stopped going to the movies are obvious. True creativity can be found if you can can afford enough pay television channels. Shows like Boardwalk Empire Homeland and American Horror Story are well written and extremely well acted. Movies are now only for the kiddies, adults only go when they are dragged there by their children.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Equality Doesn't Mean You Are Equally Intelligent
All men are created equal. This is the equality bestowed on us by our fore fathers when they drew up the Constitution. It gives us the right to live and express ourselves freely. Being equal does not apply to I.Q.. It does not give you the freedom to fly the space shuttle or perform brain surgery if you are not smart enough to earn the proper credentials. You do have the right to freely express your opinions but, like the old joke, opinions are like assholes everyone has one. A huge delusion practiced by millions of Americans is that they view their opinions as the absolute righteous truth and anyone who disagrees is suspect. Nobody is correct all the time, but facts are facts. Scientific facts proven over and over matter. Evolution is a scientific fact as is the earth being billions of years old. These are facts,and not as some would have you believe, lies formed in the pit of hell. You have the right to believe whatever fairy tail you wish to but you do not have the right to force your ignorance on the rest of us.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
A Nation Of Posturing Hot- Doggers
The super duper bowl is finally over. Big deal! What can we learn from watching this over blown extravaganza? We learned that over paid genetic freaks do primitive dances after doing what they get paid millions of dollars to do. Talk about shallow self centered examples for the youth of America to follow. Yes kids, after you fill an order at your fast food place of employment, spike a hamburger and dance around like you just stepped into a pile of dog poop. See how long you last. How about lessons for young women? Just wait until the half time show to see how you should dress and act. I'm sure your parents will approve. Oh mom's still in bed and dad fell asleep cradling the porcelain throne? Kids, I guess you will have to make your own breakfast before getting on the school bus. I wonder how much productivity is lost the day after the not so super bowl? I also wonder what the domestic violence rate was in the state of the losing team?
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Remove The Obstruction From The Political Colon
America is like a gastric patient bent over with incredible pain, unable to function because of an obstruction in it's colon, that it cannot excrete. The blockage is the Republican House members. America needs to purge itself of this dam in order to allow the health of the nation to improve. Voters in 2014 need to become the political equivalent of a prune juice fiber enema and unclog the system. It's time to flush them out like the tainted fast food nightmare they have become. Now that right wing media and billionaire sugar daddies have been exposed for being political puppet masters they are a cathartic expulsion is the only cure. I fully realize we will never be able to be totally free of some lingering effects of the trauma that has been inflicted by trickle down voodoo economics since 1980. I know millions of people have been convinced to vote against their own self interests. Americans are starting to wake up.
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