Wednesday, November 28, 2012
We Have Met The Enemy And He Is Us
The creator of the the comic strip Pogo, Walt Kelly, had his character state the real problem with Americans. We are our own worst enemies. It is easy to believe it watching the childish travesty going on in Washington D.C..Once again it's us against them. Americans don't seem to matter, only forcing your ideology on all Americans matters. History always repeats and the un-cival war is on. Republicans,protectors of the rich, think they once again can win the war through obstructionism. It is time to go over the fiscal cliff. It is also time to invoke the 14th amendment when dealing with the debt ceiling. According to the beloved constitution America will pay its debts. Hard times,that don't have to be, are ahead. Let the Republican party secede and let Republicans all move South. They can pretend it is the 1950's and pretend all the Chinese plastic crap they buy is made in America. Woman will once again genuflect to their husbands every whim.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Why Do We Feel The Need For Greed?
Thanksgiving Day is over for 2012. If we survive all the dire predictions of the world ending on Dec. 21st. maybe we should change Thanksgiving Day to Greedy Shopping Day. We can begin the day by having a hearty breakfast of fast food and energy drinks. Spread out all the store ads and coupons to put a battle plan together. You can't possibly beat the people camping out since Halloween but a good plan of attack will make you competitive. The family will then feast on the new holiday sensation, road runner. After dinner turn on the idiot box and get a last minute shopping pep talk from the local news team shilling for the stores. Then it's off to the war zone to elbow and claw your way screaming as you try and beat everyone out of inferior Chinese made products. As you stand in the check out line for hours you bask in the competitive glow of pure greed. Just look at all the Chinese plastic lead painted crap you got for kids this Gimmiemas Day.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thanksgiving For A Presidential Gift
What was my gift from the president? According to the fifty thousand dollar a day Republican runner-up, I like all others who voted for president Obama, was given a bauble to do so. My gift was peace of mind. To me there is no greater gift. I no longer have to worry that Medicare will be turned over to insurance companies. I no longer worry that Social Security will become a play thing for Wall Street. I am confident the domestic car industry will remain strong. War with Iran is now not the first and only option. I am so thankful the most strident Tea Party congressmen were defeated. I am thankful Sherrod Brown beat back millions of outside super pack dollars to stay and fight for Ohioans in the senate. I am really thankful that right wing propagandists have been outed for what they are. I am thankful the Republicans in congress will no longer waste money and time trying to repeal Obama-care.Thank you for my gift Mr. President!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
I'll Take My Ball and Go Home
Remember the kid with the new football? If he didn't get his way when choosing up sides for the game,he would threaten to take his ball and go home. Sounds like today's Republican Party doesn't it? The problem is they no longer have the ball. The American voter gave the ball to the Democrats. If Republicans in the House of Representatives don't play ball, it will cause the lemmings into the sea effect. This is the equivalent of taking the ball and going home. The obstructionist's Republican Party will try and blame this on the Democrats.Just like tax cuts for the rich, Americans aren't buying it. Oh sure some of the party faithful will buy the zealot spewed propaganda but Americans as a whole will reject the dour faced protectors of the wealthy. Working for the good of all Americans doesn't seem be part of the Republican play book. It is time for the Democrats to use the steamroller option. Hopefully this last election took the timid approach out of the Democrat game plan.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
The Sour Grapes Birthers Want Out, Good.
The poor loser syndrome is now in full view. Birthers and anti-Obama care Tea Baggers want out of the union. Now that their ideology has been repudiated by a majority of the American electorate, they find living here intolerable. They have petition drives in many states wishing to secede. LET THEM LEAVE! Most of the states that want out, get more back per tax dollar taxed, than paid in. These takers of all handouts governmental, who endlessly complain about government, should be allowed to unburden the rest of us from giving them stuff. These people should be aloud to opt out totally. No more presidents,congressmen,governors, or school marms telling them what to do. They should be allowed to live in compounds, dress like Ben Franklin, hang tea bags from their hats, and live like hippies in 1968. No taxes, no medicare and no politicians telling them to stop clinging to their guns and bibles.LEAVE! Go to your black but mostly white paradise. The rest of us bid you farewell from the 21st century.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
You Just Don't Get It
Millions of people tune in to watch Judge Judy. I think a lot of the viewers enjoy the fact she gets the final say. They relish the implementation of common sense by an authoritarian,no nonsense woman. The Republican Party needs to listen to someone like Judge Judy to tell them they just don't get it. A lot of Republicans feel they lost lost the presidency and most congressional contests because they weren't conservative enough. They just don't get it. No taxes for the wealthy, and a biblical interpretation thumped on their heads by strident right wing zealots, turns off a majority of Americans. The rich are rich enough. Just look at the millions of dollars the rich threw down the rat hole in this last election. They scream about a dismal job market and instead of using their wealth to create jobs they blow it trying to elect candidates with a message Americans reject. THEY JUST DON'T GET IT!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
A Fool And His Money Are Soon Parted
Oh those wacky billionaires and millionaires, throwing their money down the political outhouse hole. The Supreme Court handed the rich an influential leg up when they allowed money to flow unrestrained to political parties. So being unfettered by any controls, the rich poured money all over their anointed ones, The money in the form of media buys, showed the real concerns of the Republican party and they were promptly rejected by mainstream America. The massive infusion of money turned out not to matter. Women and minorities decided the election.Here in Ohio, all the empty chairs and Romney, Ryan, Mandel signs set up by the thousands now are just waste matter to be added to the landfill of Republican ideas. It is still a matter of concern that obstructionist Republicans control the House of Representatives. Gridlock will remain until the Republican party goes the way of the dinosaurs.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The End Is Near
Remember those old cartoons of some rag tag bearded prophet, holding a sign claiming doomsday was at hand? At least it's the end of this horrendous election cycle. Americans are about to decide the future direction and moral compass we will follow. We will follow one of two path's. Either people matter or they don't. It's the golden rule or the law of the jungle. I think mankind, as a whole ,is periodically genetically driven to this decision.This genetic compulsion flares up in the form of moral outrage every 50 years or so. It has triggered every war ever fought. Just look at the indignation during the Civil War over slavery or the scape goating of Germany's economic problems by blaming Jews. On and on it goes. War is a total abomination yet there is always a some reason found to have one. This build up of bile is quite evident watching the recent political campaigns. We are about to find out if America's body can absorb the infection or it erupts into gangrene.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Fix- Every- Major Disaster- Alone, or Mitts F. E. M. A.
It's hurricane in 2013. A monstrous super hurricane barrels towards Texas and the surrounding states. Both Ron Paul and Rick Perry take private jet flights out to go mountain climbing. The storm slams into Texas with the force of a thousand nuclear bombs.Most people didn't evacuate because the weather satellite system was terminated due to budget cuts. Countless business's are destroyed. Bodies float in the streets,unclaimed, because the for profit recovery services can't find relatives to pay for pick up. Generators and wood products are being sold for 50 times their original cost. Drinking water is ten dollars a glass. High school shelters are mostly vacant because now they charge 100 dollars a night per person. The lack of edible food creates a need for a new form of Texas chili made from people. The cost of 25 dollars a bowl creates a clamor for Texas Chili franchises. President Willard, after his vacation, comes on T.V. and says " See the private sector always works best,carry on." The apprentice comes back on T.V..
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