Well now that we all know Willard is going to be the Republican presidential nominee, lets project what America would look like if the Republicans take control again. We know Willard flips and flops like a beached carp about most issues. Let us then look at what he staunchly plans to do. He wants another middle east war this time with Iran. Iran is no pushover like an impotent Iraq was. These people can and will hit back. He's signed on to the Paul Ryan G.O.P.destroy Medicare budget. Do you really want to deal with more insurance companies when you are sick and old? That's their plan. Give Medicare to their campaign contributing insurance sugar daddies. He says banks should not be hindered by any regulations and be allowed to foreclose on the spurious loans they gave out. He, like all Republicans, hates unions. He wants to get rid of E.P.A. regulations governing clean air and water. He will get rid of the presidents health care initiative giving his health insurance buddies new greed licences. If you think Republicans are going to do anything good for the average American just keep voting your prejudices. Too bad we all have to suffer for it.
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