The two Republican candidates who are Catholic, are really what is known as cafeteria Catholics. They pick what they want to believe in and discard the majority of the teachings of Jesus. Jesus never sought out the rich to hang around with. He never asked for payment after healing the lame or blind. He even stated parables illustrating how hard it would be for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven. This won't do for the two candidates of Catholic convenience. They have their own take on the teachings of Christ. They even have a holier than thou take on the Beatitudes:
-Blessed are the poor, for theirs are the taxes the rich will not pay.
-Blessed are the meek, for their voices shall not be heard.
-Blessed are they who mourn for they will have a lot more to mourn about after we start a war with Iran.
-Blessed are they who hunger for justice because that's what the death penalty is for.
-Blessed are the merciful because we hate health care reform and somebody has to take care of the sick.
-Blessed are the clean of heart for they do not use birth control and know only the missionary position.
-Blessed are the peacemakers because someone has to end the wars we start.
-Blessed are they that suffer persecution because someone has to fill our for profit jails.
Mother Theresa must be spinning in her grave.
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