The great sci-fi movie Forbidden Planet has quite a moral that is even more relevant now than it was in the 1950's. The deep seated monster, our own Mr. Hyde, once released cannot be controlled. It wreaks havoc after it is freed from it's chains. It can only slash, burn, and destroy. It consumes all, even our compassion and sense of what is right.
Fast forward to the world of 2012. The monsters from the Id are on the loose. In the movie the uncontrolled Id destroyed a super intelligent race of beings. The vitriolic, mean, spiritless, and hatred being spewed in the media in the form of political ads is incredible. Masses of people no longer wish to work for the common good of all, but to withdraw from any community responsibility. The law of the jungle and the idea of I've got mine and I'll never share, have taken over. There are no constraints on us anymore. Money is god. Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it. This was proved in Germany in the 1930's and 1940's. I never thought this country would embrace the dark side so emphatically but I was dead wrong.