The Fat Cat agenda to starve the government is now in full swing. They want to cut 100 billion dollars across the board. The only exceptions would be defense and social security. Instead of the rich paying their fair share of taxes they want everyone else to suffer. These greed mongers just voted to extend tax cuts for the one percent of wealthiest Americans. It is incredible to think that school children will have to suffer so rich Fat Cats can buy some more useless trinkets. These robber barons don't provide jobs with their extra cash, they just buy new foreign sports cars so their kids can drive to private school in style. They want the states to pick up the slack in revenue. My state Ohio just voted in an anti-union, anti-poor, governor whose main way to get money is to rape the environment with hydrolic fracturing. Ohio has been so mismanaged by Republicans screaming privatize everything that we will never make a comeback. This is all due to a easily led stupid voting public.