One of the consequences of living a self centered technology driven society, is that we distance ourselves from the reality that monsters walk among us. There are always two sides to everything. Instant communication is great and saves lives. Constant mean spirited drivel does not. There is a perpetual chaotic informational hum all around us. We encase ourselves in our own little electronic worlds at the risk of losing parts of our humanity. It is comforting for all of us to seek out like-minded ideas and the people that supposedly think like we do. Sometimes people will allow this search for intellectual companionship to lead them to disaster. The need to feel accepted is universal. Someone who is constantly rejected will still seek acceptance even if it just a cold electronic hum. In a free society, such as ours, access to ideas is there for everyone. Saints and monsters use the same internet. The well balanced as well as the skewed and tilted can find intellectual soul mates. In light of the recent tragedy in Arizona, there will be much hand-wringing but the real truth is the genie will never return to the bottle.
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