Friday, August 30, 2013
It's My America So Get Out
There will always be bullies.Bullies only view the world through a myopic selfish lens. What is one of the thing bullies have in common? They are loud. In America today the media is in love with bullies because bullies provide drama and conflict. This insatiable need for idiotic controversy has morphed the United States into the fragmented states.In 2009 the media panted after the bullies as they loudly went to work screaming about death panels and socialized medicine.Every time some ancient blue haired curmudgeon dressed like Ben Franklin yelling keep your government hands off my Social Security, the media covered the idiocy giving it legitimacy. This coverage stoked the fires of intolerance and in 2010 ushered in the cadre of government destroyers.Now we have Tea Party politicians going on tour trying to convince the stupid to, once again deny health coverage for preexisting conditions and charge what ever they want. Brain dead soulless zombie bullies jump up at town hall meetings and bellow how the the president is from Kenya and Obama care is the work of the devil. They want to bring back the 1950's and rollback voting rights so only their version of America exists. The media needs to shine a light on crazy not embrace it for better ratings.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Why Do We Have To Intervene ?
Remember when your mother would tell you to mind your own business? That was good advice then and it's great advice now. Every time some country does something hideous to it's own people America ends up sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. Here we go again. Now it is beyond horrible that Syria used poison gas or nerve agents on it's own people. but why must we act like the worlds mother and spank them? The Middle East region is headed for total chaos.This chaos has cost America over a decade of soldiers lives and our monetary resources just to feed the war machine.If John McCain and Lindsey Graham want us to butt our way into another useless conflict in crazy land, let them volunteer and form a geezer brigade and parachute in guns blazing. War might be big business for contractors ,but good grief , don't they realize it is the utter abomination? Cruise missiles and smart bombs kill women and children too. Worried about Americas credibility in the world? Don't be. The cowboy president destroyed that years ago. Pictures of dead children are horrible but causing the deaths of more children and then helping factions of fanatics who hate America take over is worse.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
America Home Of The Violent
You're jogging along on a beautiful sunny day when bored soulless punks drive by and shoot you in the back. You're an innocent child attending school when a deranged felon with an AK-47 and 500 rounds of ammunition decides to use your school as a place to kill cops.You're a teenager wearing a hoodie and eating Skittles when you are challenged by a self appointed neighborhood guardian and you end up dead. This is America in the year 2013. There cannot be a political solution to this monstrous violence because a huge segment of the American populace has decided the government is evil and they are only safe if they carry a gun. Driven by right wing propaganda almost every state has passed concealed carry laws. Take any family reunion and survey the participants. Ask them if there are any family members who shouldn't be allowed to carry a concealed weapon.More than likely, unless the reunion is held in Texas, most families would consider one or more of their relatives too unstable to carry a loaded weapon. Now consider the fact that the family looney tune is the one most likely to be packing. If you are a foreign tourist or student thinking of attending university here I would really think twice before coming to a country where half the population thinks happiness is a warm gun.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The Great American Unraveling
America is going to pieces faster than an iceberg in 2013. It's like some massive cloud of divisiveness from outer space has settled in, and like the shadow, has the power to cloud men's minds. The newest example of insane stupidity is the plan to shut down the government or default on America's debt because Republicans want to deny health care to millions of Americans. Some politicians in this party want to destroy, like Viking berserkers, Social Security, Medicare, the E.P.A., food stamps, Head Start, women's health screening, public education, voting rights for anyone not voting Republican, the I.R.S.,and any institution or program that helps Americans but needs tax revenue to survive. Can you picture what America would look like if some Tea Party destroyer from Texas or Kentucky were to have the ultimate power of governance over all Americans? I can't. Look what is happening in North Carolina since the Tea Party take over of 2010. The ram it down your throat approach is the only way right wing politicians operate. Look at the protests on Moral Mondays.What do you think the next step outraged people will take once right wing berserkers complete the destruction of America's soul? Protests will turn to riots will turn into Civil War and with all the guns in this country we will end up looking like Egypt or Syria.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Abolish The Government, Really?
It is hard to grasp just how idiotic and borderline seditious some right wing believers have become. They really want to be rid of the United States government. They have elected Congressmen that have stated their intention to abolish the I.R.S..They believe health care should only be provided to those who can afford it. I guess they must feel this would be a good way to cull the herd of the less desirable 47%. Some of these true believers are obsessed with their belief the president of the United States is foreign born.How insane is that? A lot of these so called patriots want to put grandma and grandpa either back to work or out on the street because they consider Social Security a Ponzi scheme. They don't want America to pay the debt incurred by two un funded wars and a prescription drug plan from W's reign of fiscal idiocy. When is someone going to say enough of this stupidity is enough? Instead of ruining the country for all of us why don't you (Don't Tread On Me) types all move to Texas and secede from the Union. Trust me we won't miss you one infinitesimal bit.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
The Last Pathetic Gasp To Keep Power
History always repeats, and here in America we are set to prove this fact once again. Remember, several years ago in South Africa, the extreme measures taken by the white ruling class to remain in power? Do you recall those long rigid whips wielded by white police to beat back black protesters? Remember apartheid ? I'm sure you remember the 1960's Civil Rights clashes. The beatings, the killings, the cowardly church bombings, the high pressure hoses, the attack dogs, all used to deny the right to vote to a minority. It's 2013 and here we go again. As soon as the conservative controlled Supreme Court negated part of the 1965 Voting Rights Act Republican controlled state legislatures passed restrictive voter I.D. laws under the guise of stopping non existent voter fraud. All these laws are for is to repress the minority vote and to keep right wing white males in power.This is the last dying gasp of the soon to be new minority. If beatings and attack dogs didn't work in the past why would stale attempts at misdirection in voter I.D. laws work now?
Saturday, August 10, 2013
America's Dangerously Greedy Gollums
I see where Republican lawmakers, taking a well deserved vacation, after 40 votes to repeal Obama Care, and are now facing their extremely rabid voting constituents.Some of these people are way beyond scary. They want to shut down the government to make sure people without health insurance remain waiting for Doctors Without Borders to come to town.I get the point that you worship the almighty dollar above alleviating the sufferings of the less well to do,but come on. Take a real close look at the bible you use to thump your points across.What benefit is it to gain the whole world but lose your immortal soul?It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Render unto Cesar what is Cesar's. These aren't exact quotes but neither are the spouting's of puffy haired preachers bellowing made up gospels of prosperity.People who worship money over kindness are like Gollum in the Lord of the Rings books.The insatiable lust for money has become their precious. Hope you like it hot because Gehenna doesn't have air conditioning.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
The Most Disappointing Race, The Human One
You must admit the experiment called the human race has been an utter failure. The potential to turn the Earth into another Garden of Eden was really the promise mankind never lived up to. Since climbing down from trees to putting robot investigators on Mars, we have persisted in denigrating to torturing and butchering one another on a daily basis. In 2013 no child should go to bed hungry, and no person willing to work should have to go jobless. The world's values are completely skewed,especially in the example setter America. In this country we pay genetic freaks multi millions of dollars just to play some meaningless sport. We also give talent less teenagers just as much to grab their crotches and squawk out repetitious mind numbing obscene lyrics. Is some self centered mutant who can throw a football or dunk a basketball really worthy of an audience with the president?We are a nation of pop culture values.Today's popular Icons are empty vessels, that once filled with money and fame, are so jaded that for the most part the blow it on bling and drugs. I believe the self centered super rich will one day become like the so called apathetics in the movie Zardoz.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Phone In Your Obstructionism It'll Be Cheaper
Congress is now on it's summer break. I know, I know, unless they are casting insane redundant votes to repeal Obama Care how would anyone figure out they were in session.How about John Boehner and his Republican naysayers just stay home and phone it in?Everyone knows their vote,when they are allowed to vote, will always be NO! Save the taxpayers tons of money on undeserved salaries and perks for congressmen and women who only march in lockstep to Tea Party drummers by letting them stay home and phone it in. Americans would gladly pay just their phone bills and nothing else. Just think of the savings. No congressional staffs or free gymnasium to suck up tax dollars. No more listening to Paul Ryan pontificate on austerity for the poor while drinking 400 dollar bottles of wine provided by hedge fund managers. No more Daryl Issa looking under rocks for nonexistent scandals to blame on the current administration.No more Ted Cruz sneering and smirking at anything not steeped in Tea Party pollution. No more Rand Paul shouting at Northern governors that they just want a government hand out while Kentucky gets back a dollar fifty one for every tax dollar sent in. Just stay home and revel in the music the anger your rabid base makes. Stay home and phone it in. Give the American voter that doesn't wear a revolutionary outfit whose average age isn't 65 and is stingier than Scrooge a break.
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