Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Are Sports In School Really Necessary?
Ah, the super bowl is upon us once again. All the hype and fanfare bleating over the airwaves like a herd of noisy goats in rut.One running back years ago asked" if this game is so important how come they're going to play it again next year?" Today's sports world resembles ancient Rome's constant bloody festivals, put on by lead poisoned brain dead emperors, for the unruly masses.As soon as the super bowl is over March Madness hype starts up.After that it's baseball. Don't forget about hockey, as much as you would like to. This takes me to the conclusion that schools ,in America, are nothing more than gladiator training camps. Sports as a religion , has been so ingrained in American couch potato's that they willingly sacrifice their children's future health. This indoctrination begins as soon as elementary school. Here in Ohio, as in most states, parents would rather cut teachers than cut coaches. School levies go down to defeat and then the Neanderthal parents roar when pay to play becomes necessary. No wonder most high school graduates and their parents couldn't tell you how many U.S. senators there are.The kids do have their sports hero's. Those fair and square steroid using blood doping pillars of the sports drug culture carrying guns and snorting cocaine. I've heard some love dog fighting and eliminating their pregnant girl friends. Yes little Billy play hard, sacrifice your body, just do it.
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