Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Are Sports In School Really Necessary?
Ah, the super bowl is upon us once again. All the hype and fanfare bleating over the airwaves like a herd of noisy goats in rut.One running back years ago asked" if this game is so important how come they're going to play it again next year?" Today's sports world resembles ancient Rome's constant bloody festivals, put on by lead poisoned brain dead emperors, for the unruly masses.As soon as the super bowl is over March Madness hype starts up.After that it's baseball. Don't forget about hockey, as much as you would like to. This takes me to the conclusion that schools ,in America, are nothing more than gladiator training camps. Sports as a religion , has been so ingrained in American couch potato's that they willingly sacrifice their children's future health. This indoctrination begins as soon as elementary school. Here in Ohio, as in most states, parents would rather cut teachers than cut coaches. School levies go down to defeat and then the Neanderthal parents roar when pay to play becomes necessary. No wonder most high school graduates and their parents couldn't tell you how many U.S. senators there are.The kids do have their sports hero's. Those fair and square steroid using blood doping pillars of the sports drug culture carrying guns and snorting cocaine. I've heard some love dog fighting and eliminating their pregnant girl friends. Yes little Billy play hard, sacrifice your body, just do it.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Can't Win With Your Ideas? Rig The Game.
Here they go again. Republican ideas, such as, cut Medicare and Social Security, and deny woman control over their bodies, failed so miserably, that the only way they can win the White House is to rig the electoral college game. Not in states like Texas but in swing states like mine, Ohio. Republican legislatures in swing states want to re-apportion the electoral college awarded votes by congressional district instead of winner takes all. If this rigging of Democracy had been in place this last election Mitt the Flip would be president. Republican gerrymandering, a form of making up voting districts of mostly Republican voters, has given us the worst House of Non-Representatives ever. These people can't win by popular vote so they,once in power at the state level, rig the process.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
See Spots' Kidneys Fail
Are we,as Americans, so complacent and intellectually lazy that we are satisfied with accepting the mediocre and sometimes dangerous in our imported manufactured products? Why do we allow American innovative ideas to be manufactured by Communist Chinese workers? I went to a national pet store chain recently and asked for rawhide chew toys not made in China. Remarkably they had a made in America section. Yes they cost me more but they wouldn't shut down my dogs kidneys. A few years ago American dog owners were losing their beloved pets to coal slag treated dog food from Communist China. You would think the outrage from American pet lovers would bring the dog food industry and it's jobs back to America along with American poison free ingredients. If you think that happened just look at the small print on the back of your dog treats box. Now take a look at lead painted toys made by Communist Chinese workers. Surely poison lead paint no longer adorns the toys of Americas most precious assets? Dream on. The only way, in today's America , to purchase American made steel tools is to buy them at a flea market. The hypocrisy practiced by Republicans lam blasting the lack of job growth is astounding. The reason jobs are so hard to get in the U.S. is because the for profit patriots that run American companies have sold American jobs to the Communist Chinese. It's that simple.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
The Parallel Universe That America Has Become
Like two ideological rockets fired off next to each other, Americans will never unite. All of us must be descendants of two separate tribes. In one American universe people just want to lead their lives quietly and let others do the same. In the other American universe the people want to tell others how to live. On one side the people believe taxes are necessary for the common good of all. The other side believes taxes are evil. One side thinks personal weapons should have some limitations and the other sides thinks any limits are an infringement. One side believes government plays a major role in our lives and the other side wants to dismantle the government. In one universe people think every one should be allowed to worship or not worship as you see fit. The other universe believes their religion is the only true religion and those who don't believe the way they do are headed to hell. America has endured one civil war only to be left with festering incivility.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Asylum U.S.A.
Right after the horrible massacre of innocents in Sandy Hook, I actually watched a United States senator proudly admit on television, that he owned an AR-15. This is the same type weapon that spewed forth the destruction in Conn. How can an elected U.S. senator heartlessly proclaim his love and fixation for assault weapons after such a tragedy? Better yet, what in the world does a U.S. senator need with an AR-15? Have you seen these rabid gun nuts equating gun control with the causes of the American Revolution? Did you see the guy on the internet that claimed he would start killing people if his gun rights were impinged?Here in Ohio last Sunday, one of our freeways was snarled with gun nuts trying to beat any coming gun regulations as they fought for parking spaces at a gun show.The bullets, caliber 223, are now selling for a dollar apiece. AR-15s are tripling in price.With this many hair triggered gun fanatics foaming at the mouth whenever gun control is mentioned, there is absolutely no hope for a nation ruled by special interests and profits from local weapons of mass destruction.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Time, Treasure, Talent, All Wasted
The war in Afghanistan has cost thousands of lives and over 550 billion dollars. But, you say it was worth it because we were attacked by enemies based in Afghanistan. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that for 50 billion dollars we could have decimated our enemies from the air. With drones and absolute air power we never would have had to put troops on the ground. Not as effective you say. How about after a successful air campaign we make the statement that if attacked again, we will turn enemy territory into a sea of glass. This being done we take the 500 billion we didn't waste and divide it among the school systems in the 50 states. I don't know for sure but a state by state infusion of 10 billion dollars into education rather than destruction seems like it would yield a far more positive return. We should ask ourselves, as Americans, are we so twisted that we would rather waste our time treasure and talent on the ultimate rat hole abomination war, than on peaceful pursuits that benefit mankind?
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Selling Your Soul To The Military Industrial Complex
One political party in the United States wants to cut spending by slashing money from programs for the elderly the poor the elderly and under-fed children. A past vice president for this party once said " deficits don't matter." So to prove this point this party took a budget surplus and turned it into a 5.4 trillion dollar deficit. Under this parties management greed became a virtue and the monied interests went wild with bogus scams to bilk Americans. After the horrible attack of 911 this party engaged in two un-funded wars. The first attack was justified but the second life costing financially draining hoax was predicated on phony yellow cakes and peek-a-boo non-existent threats. The president of this party, instead of raising taxes to pay for their wars,cut taxes and said patriotic Americans should go shopping. Back when this political party had credible leaders, one of their presidents predicted the take over of America by the military industrial complex. Rather than forging swords into plows we have been deluded into doing the opposite. Think of the hundreds of billions of dollars that could have made America stronger it's children safer and smarter, with jobs for all, that were wasted on military hardware. We have become slaves to the god of war. Now this party wants to make the least able in this country suffer to continue to feed the bloated demon it created.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Republicans Embody The Word Feckless
How can you govern the American people if your pledge of allegiance is to a lobbyist? the answer is you can't. How can you keep Americans safe from armor piercing bullets and semi-automatic weapons if your bowels quake at the mention of the gun lobby? The answer is you can't. How can you constantly waste taxpayer money by trying to repeal Obama care 33 times with meaningless idiotic votes? The answer is easy when the inmates are in-charge of the asylum. How can you hold the whole world hostage so you can take money and health care from seniors to enrich the rich? Easy when you care only about yourself. How can you not cut the obscenely bloated defense budget ? Oh yeah, most of the defense industry is in red states. How do you rationalize away your shame after voting the way you do? Beats me.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
No Man Is An Island, Really?
The year 2013 is shaping up to be the year of the island. Republicans, it seems, have decided to give up singing America the Beautiful for the Simon and Garfunkle lyrics " I am a rock I am an island." The tenant that America is a diverse nation has given way to the self centered ideology that there are 315 million separate little islands that are ungovernable. Electing congressmen , whose whole goal is to obstruct and wage gridlock , is just insane. How has this madness come about? Republican governors draw up voting districts that ensure right wing zealots being elected. Politicians of this ilk don't put Americans first, ideological purity comes first. They care only about not allowing the government any tax revenue. They've got theirs and to hell with everyone else. Mitt Romney said it best, " I don't care about those people they won't vote for me anyway. Even Gilligan wanted to get off the island named after him but Republicans want their own islands. Until the vast majority of Republicans are voted from office America will remain a stalled ship just drifting along on the worlds currents.
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