Sunday, December 30, 2012
Do We Or Don't We Want A Federal Government?
A simple enough question, do we want a Federal government or not? For Democrats the answer seems to be yes, and for Republicans the answer seems to be no. Democrats are like the staff members at a day care center, and Republicans are the un-rulely brats in their care. The brats have taken over one wing of the house and refuse to share or get along. The only two words the rich spoiled brats ever learned are gimmie and mine. In another wing of the day care only a minority of the children are brats. Their biggest bully is a little monster named Phillup Bluster. He is a threat that causes endless gridlock. The head of this insane day care sits in his office and is at a total loss of how to make the brats behave. This state of uncontrolled chaos by rich self centered brats has been going on since the new head of the day care got his job. The only hope in sight is in two years the parents of the brats just might have their brats removed from the day care by unanimous votes of good parents.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Chicken Suits at Christmas
Let's face it, Republican Congressmen, for all their posturing, are a bunch of Chicken Littles. They should try some of those testosterone products now on the market. They quake with fear every time a little one issue un-elected lobbyist says they are violating his no tax pledge. They tremble at the thought they might face a primary challenge because they weren't ideologically pure enough. Never mind that you were elected to serve all Americans not just right wing nut bags. The same thing holds true for the fear of the N.R.A.. Innocent slaughtered children will not stop Republican lawmakers from protecting assault weapons from regulation. They really should consider which deities they genuflect to. Americans are finally realizing the new slash and burn Republican party is out to dismantle the government and as their leader says drown it in the bathtub. Well Chicken Littles the time to look up and see the sky falling will be 2014.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The Answer To Gun Violence, More Guns?
Two America's ? You bet. Most Americans, after witnessing the recent unimaginable horror, think some form of gun regulation needs to be enacted. The other America, and it's sycophants in congress, believe this country should return to the days of the wild west, and the only way to stop mass murderers is to arm everyone. One member of congress was on national T.V. saying he wished the principal who was murdered, had a gun to blow the head off the killer. WHAT? The governor of Texas says he wants Texans to be able to carry guns everywhere in the state. WHAT? When asked why the average citizen needs an assault rifle, a gun advocate said they needed them in case they needed to fight the government. WHAT? Are you kidding me? The answer to slaughter is more slaughter? Peaceful teachers,who dedicate their lives teaching children now need to learn how to blow off heads? WHAT? Minsters in church need to conceal glocks under their robes? WHAT? These solutions are as crazy as the nuts who come up with them. Here in Ohio, you can only use shotguns or primitive weapons to hunt deer. No rifles allowed. The shot guns can only contain three rounds. But you can still own an assault rifle. WHAT FOR?
Sunday, December 16, 2012
When Rights Go Wrong
We are forced to experience what happens when people take a right to the ultimate extreme. The right to bare arms has been stretched so far that certain right wingers feel any weapon they want they should be able to own. They detest any law that would impinge on this idea. So what we end up with is the mass murder of innocents by the deranged. This don't tread on me and what I want philosophy has no place in a civilized society. There is no real need to own an assault weapon. If you wish protection a shotgun is sufficient,and the range is limited. What is desperately needed is background checks to gauge the mentality of people seeking life ending devices. We all take a test to see if we can handle a car. Car accidents kill thousands and so do guns. Easy access to weapons at gun shows needs to be stopped. I hunt but would never consider using an assault weapon to do so. Some form of gun control needs to be enacted to protect the innocent from the demented.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Great Caesars Ghost
Remember the old Superman T.V. series where Perry White, editor of the Daily Planet, would see some crazy situation and exclaim " Great Caesars Ghost?" If Perry were around today and saw what was going on, he would probably stroke out and die. A new super villain now threatens America. He is the infamous Grasping Greed. To him and his evil legions the only thing that matters is money. People are just collateral damage to be disregarded when acquiring wealth from them. People don't matter. He broadcasts a hypnotic siren call from his own propaganda media stations. This form of mesmerism transforms poor and middle class angry white people into rabidly voting against their own self interests. His lieutenants take over state governments with the pledge of jobs jobs jobs and then pass laws restricting unions,complicating voter access, and de-funding women's health care. Yes, Grasping Greed is part dragon guarding his treasure hoard, part angry white male, part religious fanatic, and totally devoid of compassion. Superman where are you we need you.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Obstructionists Go Cliff Diving
Like an abusive spouse, the Republicans in the House of Representatives have decided that if they don't get their way, everyone suffers. The really strange thing is a lot of people don't believe the Tea baggers will cliff dive. Of course they will. They don't govern they dismember. Their unelected leader wants his zombies to make government so small he can drag it into the bathroom and drown it. When your elite base has more money than god, it doesn't matter if your obstructionist policies cause more misery for average Americans. The empty chairs they set out this last election, are a perfect metaphor for their empty com passionless agenda. The propaganda spin machine on the right will soon start the unending drumbeat that everything is the presidents fault. The next thing , if they can import enough angry white men from Pluto, will be to change the electoral college and voting access for Democrats. After they take us over the fiscal cliff they built in 2011 they will default on raising the debt ceiling. Let's face it if money and greed are your reason for being, people and their problems aren't your concern.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
The Doomsday People
Do you realize doomsday comes for thousands of people each day? It is called death. Death is the end of the world for those whom it claims. We all face death one day. This will be the end of the world for us. Death is the natural state of affairs for everyone. Right now there is a panic over the date Dec. 21st 2012. Millions of people believe it will be the end of civilization. Really? Some believers are arming up and filling bug out bags with essentials. Others are so terrified they are contemplating suicide. Really? Life is tough but death is permanent. What if on Dec. 22nd the sun comes up on an unchanged landscape? What then preppers? A lot of these people, whose whole life now consists of planning for the end, are just playing. It's a game of pretend survival. Not only that I think many of these dis functional citizens actually want this world to end. Then they can become little rulers over their tiny family kingdoms. If Dec. 22nd dawns without calamity the only thing these heads of households will have passed on to their families is a warped isolationist view. Remember the year 2000 computer scare? Planes were going to crash and computers were all going to malfunction. Didn't happen did it? Will there be chaos on Dec.22nd? You bet. But it won't be caused by solar storms or comets crashing. It will be caused by the disappointed preppers screaming like a bunch of chicken littles.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Monsters On Maple Street
I must be missing something. Don't we all need basically the same things? Being human, we all need food, shelter, clean drinkable water, fresh air,a means of income, health care, and a reasonable amount of freedom to acquire these things. This being the case why do some people wish to rig the deck to stop others from getting these life essentials? There has been an unending attack on affordable health care, unions,regulation of air and water pollutants, inspection of food products, rights of marriage to certain groups of people,and a women's control over her own body. Is this war fought because of greed and power? I just don't get it. Some of these zealots, in their quest for all out control, are starting to resemble the Orcs from the Hobbit. They have gone over to the dark side. This country was founded in the ideals of freedom for all. I don't see any freedom when states elect people who sound like 1940's movie heavies asking for papers please, where are your papers? Or men elected by campaigning on a platform of jobs, jobs, jobs, and then passing legislation to negate a woman's control over her own body. Has the Ministry of Propaganda, better known as right wing media, really convinced half of America that the other half is the godless enemy? Rod Serlings Twilight Zone aired a fabulous episode called " The Monsters on Maple Street ". In it aliens from space,pit one neighbor against another by sowing the seeds of distrust and fear. Then they take over. If Rod could only see America now.
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