Monday, October 29, 2012
Beware False Profits
The American voter is poised to elect Mr. Chameleon to the presidency. This is a man whose chosen career path ,dismantled companies, and put workers out of jobs. All this misery in the name of profit. Now after his election his party,chanting the mantra of "we can't afford it",will end Medicare as we know it and take women's right's back to the 19th century. Americans have become a greedy self centered frivolous people ,who are intellectually lazy. They actually think that more tax breaks for the rich and less regulations on banks and Wall Street will bring us to the promised land. With the memories of amnesia victims they happily think the Republican party will have their best interests at heart. How many Americans, do you think ever read George Orwell's Animal farm? It is said we get the government we deserve. What did we do to deserve what's coming? Take note world ,America like Ancient Rome is in decline.We didn't need water coursing through lead pipes to bring us down, just endless propaganda generated by the rich pigs running the farm.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
God's Plan For Women Is WHAT?
Let us see, one Republican candidate says a woman's body can block a pregnancy, during a rape. Another Republican candidate says a pregnancy caused by rape is God's plan. This pretty much sums up the Republican condescending attitude towards women. What voices in their heads are some of these zealots hearing? What deity are they really listening too? Don't be fooled by the televised slight of hand, paid for by out of state male millionaires. These zealots once in office are coming for your hard fought rights. Look at what happened after the 2010 Tea Party take over. In Republican victories in a lot of states the first item on the agenda was the complication of a woman's right to choose. If Republicans take over on a national scale women, and their right to be in charge of their own bodies, will become once again chattel to be ruled over by men. Vote Republican if you really long for the 19th century.
Monday, October 22, 2012
It's The Policies Stupid
Why has every run, for every elected office,degenerated into a high school like popularity contest? Just because a candidate has good hair or projects well doesn't mean he will have your best interests at heart. It's his policies stupid. Do average Americans want a president whose only dreams are about how much money he and his rich friends can skim from social programs? It is hard to believe Joe Dumbass is about to vote to worsen the same policies that created our financial meltdown. What must other countries think when they look at the freak show that has become American politics? Yes let us harken back to the dark ages once more. Don't you long for Doctors Without Borders to provide your health care again? Don't you want a voucher system for senior health care so insurance companies can rake in your Social Security money? Yes ladies your vote may mean pretending only men enjoy sex and your only function is reproduction. If you vote for the same policies that have been turning this country over to the rich since Reagan was elected then you are way dumber then a bag of hammers.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Ode to an Empty Chair
If on your lawn you've set an empty chair,
you really don't have very much upstairs.
For the president you show only distain,
and for others you care not about all their pain.
You and your politics scream out I don't care.
An ancient cowboy actor set your stage,
but most Americans have now turned the page.
Your lack of empathy is something to see,
if it were up to you even air wouldn't be free.
You need to chill out and lose some of that rage.
Strap your dog on top of your foreign made car,
Head for parts unknown, travel afar.
Thump your bible quite hard on the top of your head,
stop for greasy food long long before bed.
Seek out and live in the state with a lone star.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Diary Of A Wimpy President
A Very popular series of books, among children, by author Jeff Kinney gave me the idea for the title of this blog. As I watched the president govern the last 4 years, I couldn't understand how he could be forced into letting the Bush tax cuts continue for two more years. I also couldn't understand how he allowed Republicans to hold the country hostage over a debt ceiling vote they agreed to many times before under president Bush. Then I watched his debate with Willard and all became clear. The president is a wimp. He doesn't have a clue how to deal with bullies. It would be great if Joe Biden and the president could switch jobs. Jolten Joe knows you can't give into bullies. Look how he handed Paul Ryan his lunch. Democrats are hungry for fighters not professorial wimps. Democrats across the country are dismayed by a well meaning president who is all foam and no beer.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Remember the phrase " Can't we all just get along?"It was uttered by Rodney King during horrible rioting. The rioting took place supposedly because of the beating Mr. King received at the hands of police. When the policemen on trial for use of excessive force, were acquitted, the riots began. Some rioters were taped hauling a truck driver from his cab and viciously beating him with a huge brick.After the final blow the cowardly rioters gave each other the high five. Stores were looted and burned. People were shot and killed. Mr. King spoke his now famous phrase. But we really can't get along. The people on this planet have evolved into extremely violent human beings, It is not one race or one religion that is causing all the turmoil. It is the intolerance in all races and all religions causing hatred to flourish. Are we, in today's world,being manipulated by some demonic fallen angel,or are we cursed with an intolerance gene driving us to destruction? We used to care about and for one another. Now we seem to only care about ourselves.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Endless Signs, No End In Sight
Every community in America is presently littered with mindless fake patriotic, political signs. The majority of signs have some level of the colors red white or blue. They may have stars, flags, or eagles. Another sea of plastic coated slogans sent to landfills to live for thousands of years. Yet, there are really only two political parties. Candidates who run as independents are really closet members of one or the other. Joe Lieberman is a closet Republican and Bernie Sanders is a closet Democrat. I have a solution to all the political babble in the form of signs and commercials. A spot in each community would be designated as the only place for a sign from each political party. The signs would read MONEY IS EVERYTHING or PEOPLE FIRST with a list of their respective candidates. You guess which sign belongs to which party.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
MARS, The Angry Dead Planet
Place: Mars, The Red House
Time: The Distant Past
Chief of Staff: " Mr. President our top scientists are here to warn us of impending DOOM!"
President: "Well tell them they have 2 minutes. I have to meet with our oil and gas benefactors for lunch."
The scientists enter and the head scientist speaks.
"Mr. President our planet is about to become an arid and lifeless cinder unless we stop using fossil fuels."
President: "What? You dare to vilify the very industries that have backed my ascension to power."
Head Scientist: "Sir with all due respect, all life on this planet faces immediate extinction if we don't act."
President: "Are all scientists in agreement on this?"
Head Scientist: "All but scientist Glen Limreily, he says planet warming is a hoax and the great god Mars is in control."
President: " Well there you go. I'm with scientist Glen Limreily on this one."
Head Scientist:" But President Shamus....
President: " Speaking of butts get yours out of my office and send in the oil and gas men.I'm hungry for some baby seals boiled in crude oil."
Time: The Distant Past
Chief of Staff: " Mr. President our top scientists are here to warn us of impending DOOM!"
President: "Well tell them they have 2 minutes. I have to meet with our oil and gas benefactors for lunch."
The scientists enter and the head scientist speaks.
"Mr. President our planet is about to become an arid and lifeless cinder unless we stop using fossil fuels."
President: "What? You dare to vilify the very industries that have backed my ascension to power."
Head Scientist: "Sir with all due respect, all life on this planet faces immediate extinction if we don't act."
President: "Are all scientists in agreement on this?"
Head Scientist: "All but scientist Glen Limreily, he says planet warming is a hoax and the great god Mars is in control."
President: " Well there you go. I'm with scientist Glen Limreily on this one."
Head Scientist:" But President Shamus....
President: " Speaking of butts get yours out of my office and send in the oil and gas men.I'm hungry for some baby seals boiled in crude oil."
Monday, October 1, 2012
A DAY in the Life of a Rich Right- Winger
It's 11a.m., the maid enters the room with a golden breakfast platter laden with eggs Benedict Arnold and a latte.You remove your sleep mask and wobble to the master bath. Jeeves your butler has readied the shower and stands patiently by with heated towel. After your morning constitutional you instruct Jeeves to purchase silk toilet tissue from a new vender because the current tissue chaffs your sensitive bottom. Climbing back in bed you bristle at the fact the maid has not placed your silver spoon close enough. You fire the maid. After breakfast Jeeves helps you dress. Your chauffeur brings the limo to the door and it's off to work. You arrive at your company, Job Exporters-R-Us. The doorman's top coat button isn't fastened as he opens the door for you. You fire the doorman. You take your private elevator to your office and notice a gum wrapper on the floor.You fire the entire cleaning crew. You like firing people who provide services for you. You turn to your computer to find the price of gasoline has dropped. Damn Democrats! Your anger causes you to have a massive stroke. You lay slumped in your expensive leather chair unnoticed for days because you've fired all the office personal. Too bad, you might have lived.
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