"The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous." Both the title of this blog post and the first sentence are quotes attributed to Adolf Hitler. The political propaganda we are seeing and hearing today can be traced back to the same techniques used in 1930s and 1940s Germany. Techniques like" If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." This quote is from Joseph Goebbels. Just look at the disinformation being disseminated as facts today. People who refuse to accept the scientific reality of evolution open creation museums to refute it. Haters of president Obama challenge his legitimacy by questioning his birth certificate. Those who distrust science in general say global warming is a hoax perpetuated by Al Gore.
The second half of the first quote is" In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand, your slogan"{. Both sides use propaganda but one side is exceptionally good at it.

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Beware the American Monster
America was once a role model for other nations. This is no longer so, and the world needs to pay attention. America was bitten by the greed werewolf. The initial attack took place, I believe, during the presidential election of 1980. This form of Lycanthropy is not dictated by moon phases. It is a full blown 24-7 malady. The greed virus ran rampant during the years 2000 to 2008. World financial institutions and even whole countries didn't realize the U.S. greed virus was going to change their lives but it did. This monster has an absolutely insationable lust for money. Money is its food, its essence, its god. Americans are now almost totally infected and poised to repeat and exacerbate its past nearly financialy fatal mistakes. Look how one political party calls nations that try to put their people first socialists.If this party takes power all bets are off. This party actually has a platform stating the goal of taking womens reproductive rights from them and letting male lawmakers decide whats good for them. This party wishes to give Medicare over to insurance companies let Social Security be run by Wall Sreet and take the money from these programs , and give it in the form of tax breaks to the obscenely rich. It also wishes to engorge its bloated military.Can this disease be halted? The 2012 elections hold the answer.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Mitt the Flip and Mr. Bold Super Heroes of the Rich
The selection process was done at last. Mitt the Flip had chosen Mr. Bold as his running mate. The super hero of the rich, whose only power was his ability to come down both sides of an issue at the same time, had now brought the boldness of youthful cold-hearted ruthlessness to this campaign. Rich people were elated. They would soon no longer have to pay taxes to extend the worthless lives of those people aged 65 and older. Soon they could gamble, on Wall Street, with tax payer money. Public schools would be stripped of tax dollars and charter for profit schools, with generous campaign donors would get reap the benefits. Women would no longer be in control of their reproductive functions. Unions would be forced to disband. The mail would be delivered by imported paperboys from China. Health insurance would once again be untethered by any regulations and be allowed to charge princely premiums and deny coverage to anyone they chose. The borders would be fenced not to keep immigrants out but to keep Americans in. By constantly repeating lies about the current president and his party, because they have the funds to do so, the rich have adopted the policy of another political party. That party came to power in the 1930s
Monday, August 20, 2012
Mr. Bold Invades The Bedroom
Once upon a time,a young Gomer Pyle look-a-like named Mr. Bold ascended to the halls of power. He wore the attire of the common folk, even while enjoying four hundred dollar bottles of wine with hedge fund managers. He belonged to a political party made up mostly of rich or wanna be rich angry white men. This party is extremely powerful, and is as wealthy as Solomon without the wisdom. They had their own television and radio stations spewing forth nasty propaganda, that siren like,sucked in poor and middle class angry white men by making them believe only rich white men should rule the country. This party hated the dreaded safety nets that kept the poor from starving and the elderly alive past the age of 65. Most of all this party feared independent women. Mr. Bold boldly seized the moment in time and regurgitated a Draconian budget. His budget would shred the safety nets, pillage the money,and re-distribute it to the ever greedy super rich. All the members of his party, in the halls of power voted for it. Mr. Bold also signed on to every bill his party endorsed that would propel backwards women's rights to the 1930's. Yes ladies a vote for this party will help end birth control, and abortion even if the pregnancy is the result of rape by a maniacal deviant. Their voting records are there for all to see. Vote carefully America, this is the big one.
Friday, August 17, 2012
It's ALL Over But the Shouting
We had a good run, but all things must come to an end. Two hundred and thirty six years is just a drop in the sea of time, but, oh well. Once the November elections are over America will go from being the United States of America to the Corporation of Southern Ideology. Women won't have to cover up completely, but they will have to dress like June Cleaver from the old Leave it to Beaver 50's TV show. Birth control will consist of a strategically placed aspirin. Abortion will once again make a woman a felon. Voting will take place only by those able to pass a litmus test of biblically created questions. Questions like "In the ten thousand years since the earth was created, which year did man domesticate the dinosaur?" Medicare, already slated to be given away to insurance company sugar daddies, and social security will no longer be lifelines. Instead the elderly will have lifetime employment as greeters in retail stores. Unions will be declared Communistic and banned. Law enforcement will be judged by who is the fastest draw. Only three jobs will exist. They will be, unloading products from China, selling products from China and joining the Armed Services. Taxes will only be levied on the middle class and the poor. Job creators will be totally tax exempt.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Gimmie, Gimmie, The Wail of the American Baby
This is the era of the spoiled American baby. The inhabitants of this once great land have decided to embrace their inner child. Too bad the child they choose to embrace is one going through the terrible two's. Most civilized nations realize you have to pay taxes to reap the rewards of health care, clean energy and safe food. Here in America the selfish brat-like American keens his new mantra of no taxes whatsoever. Having the attention span of bacteria, and the propensity to listen to right wing propaganda, Americans are on course to try and role back the country, and the world for that matter, into a new greedy dark ages. Medicare, Medicade, planned parenthood, voting rights, unions are about to be destroyed. Look out Canada and Europe, the Americans will be trying to immigrate in droves. After the 2012 elections, do you think America will default on its debt? Of course it will. Do you think foreign aid, along with any domestic program that helps people, will be eliminated? You better believe it. The only thing American babies won't get rid of is its war machine. Too much money to be made from misery. Watch out world our babies will be throwing some nasty tantrums.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Slow Motion Explosion
Ever watch the news where they show an explosion in slow motion? That's the way to view the coming financial collapse. The original detonation, in this country, started in the 1980's with trickle down economics. This con job needed an actor to sell it to the American people. The rich get richer with tax cuts and the extra money the guzzle down gets recycled through their urinary tracks to the rest of us. Then we had the double down magnification process during the Bush years. This caused the rich to do cartwheels, or hire someone to cartwheel for them. Then came the Hope Election of 2008. Big Deal! We all hoped for a president with a set big enough to roll over the monied interests and give America back to the people. What we got was a president who hires the same financial people who got us into this mess and a two year extension of the Bush give-away to the rich. Now lets be clear I will never vote for a Republican even if you water board me. But to watch a Democrat President blow the one chance to bring back America is very, very disquieting. This guys is no FDR. The explosion in slow motion, started in 1980, will in all likelihood, leave America looking like a giant financial bomb crater by 2013. If you aren't rich better move to China. They have our jobs and house their workers.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The Never-ending Ripples of Capitalism
Like a coin thrown into a still pond, the ripples of capitalism have flowed to all regions of this planet. Escaping its wave is impossible. The system in of itself is not evil, only compassionless. The problem is now this ideology is running like an uncooled nuclear reactor. Absolutely everything imaginable now has a price tag. Drinkable water, clean air, untainted food, health care, and even compassion, in today's world are all looked at as commodities to be sold for a profit. You would think the very wealthy would realize the unending thirst to have more, would eventually come back to bite them in their designer modified asses, but you would be wrong. The rich have become the equivalent of schooling piranha's devouring anything that dares to seek the water. Lose your job? Going to college for the skills necessary to find a new one? In today's America, all college does is saddle you with a mountain of debt. Colleges have it so rigged that they change the books needed for a course, every quarter, so you can' trade them and they can make even more profits. Tuition hikes are the norm. Yes, colleges are just another super profit debt mill operation. Now that you have a college degree and a job emptying bed pans at a for profit hospital, just remember your CEO is getting millions and a golden parachute when he leaves, instead of the golden shower he deserves.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The Worst Drought Since 1956 so lets Waste Water Fracking
Did you know the gas retrieval process known as fracking requires 1 to 5 million gallons of water to frack one well? We are in the midst of the worst American drought in over 50 years and the taxpayer subsidized oil and gas industry wants to use hundreds of millions of gallons of fresh water to explode layers of shale and release the trapped gas. The water they use is poisoned forever. It cannot be cleaned of the fracking chemicals. The water is re-acquired and injected into injection wells deep underground. This poison water may one day poison well water in Ohio and other states. Local control of the fracking process in Ohio has been taken away and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources has absolute control. Ohio is on schedule to have parts of its counties turned into industrial wastelands. Short term gain landowners and the gas and oil industries are quickly changing the American Landscape forever and not for the better. Now let me get this straight, corporations with more money than god, can tear apart communities devalue their property possibly poison their life giving water supply or deplete it into non-existence and Americans can't do anything about it. Oh wait, Corporations are people, yes they are.
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