What is with Texas? Is Locoweed part of the pre-natal diet? Does the prolonged drought (obviously not caused by global warming) destroy brain cells? What is bringing about another religious crusade to put an anti-science , anti Social Security, anti Federal Reserve Apostle in the white house. Please Texas, take him back and secede from the union. We will be glad to let you go. You folks there might like living like a third world country but the rest of us don't. We don't want another bible thumping creationist taking us back to the 18th century. Look, secede from the union and sell us your oil. Of course you won't be able to balance your budget using stimulus money like you just did but what the hell. People up north don't want blowhards leading our country anymore. Listen, if you do secede you can take all the mega-rich people spread throughout the rest of the country with you. Please secede, we will get along just fine without you.