Friday, July 29, 2011

10 Years of Failed Welfare for the Rich

You have to give that simpleton from Texas credit for at least being able to follow the plan. The plan of course was the systematic destruction of the social compact and the fire-sale of the American economy to the greed mongers. We have had 10 years of tax cuts for the wealthy. Where are all the jobs? Ten years of failed policy is enough. Republicans say you can't raise taxes on the people who create jobs. What jobs? Jobs for the 61 cent an hour Chinese worker? Under tax welfare for the wealthy we, as a nation, have lost 3 million manufacturing jobs.
Let's just look at how the plan continues. First deny Obama a second term by manufacturing a chosen debt ceiling crisis. Destroy the economy for all but the wealthy. Give more tax breaks to companies sending jobs overseas. Crush all union. Make it almost impossible to register to vote. Save Medicare and Social Security by destroying them first then let insurance companies and Wall Street carve them up and swallow the pieces. Hope all you rednecks who vote Republican like fast food jobs or cutting lawns because that's all that will be left soon.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Age of the Poison Tea Bag

Floride in the drinking water causes cancer. We didn't land on the moon. John Kerry was a chicken, not a hero. Global warning is a myth. President Obama wasn't born here. Defaulting on the national deb is no big deal. Poor people and the elderly are the one to blame for our problems...


It is time to stand up to the bullies that are systematically destroying America. Just because they have all the money doesn't mean they can't be defeated. There are far more real Americans than these fake, patriotic claiming, greed mongers. Don't be fooled by insidious lies and propaganda being spread by television and radio stations bought and paid for by right wing zealots. Instead of clinging to some little prejudice deep in your soul, open your eyes and gaze at what is really going on. The Fat Cats have chosen this current crisis to destroy Medicare and social security because they have always hated them. Don't be fooled by their rationale that they're only trying to fix Medicare. The rich need to pony up. If these people gain any more members, or god forbid the presidency, get ready to live in third world America.

Friday, July 15, 2011

It's Not a Revenue Problem...A Republican Fairy Tale

Once upon a time long ago, a very smart but skirt chasing king taxed his people in a way that led to prosperity for all. The treasury even had a surplus. The kings only problem was with the royal trousers. He couldn't keep them up. His peccadilloes led to the election of a small minded king named George the second. A lot of King George's subjects called him George the lesser or George the venal. This was never done to his face of course because George the simple had many spies and loved to tap phones. Now George the Appointed always listened to his advisers. There was the big Dick and Grover "the Drown the Government Rover." His advisers told George the Gullible that the only way to stay in power was to use fear, start wars, and take all the money from the poor and middle class peasants and give it to the rich. George the Selfish did this with great gusto for eight years. He plunged his kingdom into the red by first cutting taxes on the rich and starting two wars. After eight years, George the lame was put out to pasture cutting brush. The people, with hope in their hearts elected a new King. He was smart. He had vision. He was inept. He soon lost his mandate and found it was easier to compromise and give in than hold his ground. He really wants another four years. Doesn't look good.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Choice Has Never Been Clearer

The clarity of political party choice has never been easier to make. Republicans have decided to double down and, as poker players say, it's all in. If you are rich and want to get even richer, the Republican party is the only one for you. If the only thing you worship is money, the Republican party is the one for you. If you make money speculating on gasoline prices, the Republican party is for you. If you will not stand for any form of disagreement with your positions, the Republican party is for you. If you think it should be harder for people to register to vote, the Republican party is the one for you. If you would rather plunge the world into a depression than raise taxes on the rich, the Republican party is for you. If you want to go back to the days of the robber barons and no child labor laws, the Republican party is the one for you. If you believe the whole world should be just yours for the get the idea.