You have to give that simpleton from Texas credit for at least being able to follow the plan. The plan of course was the systematic destruction of the social compact and the fire-sale of the American economy to the greed mongers. We have had 10 years of tax cuts for the wealthy. Where are all the jobs? Ten years of failed policy is enough. Republicans say you can't raise taxes on the people who create jobs. What jobs? Jobs for the 61 cent an hour Chinese worker? Under tax welfare for the wealthy we, as a nation, have lost 3 million manufacturing jobs.
Let's just look at how the plan continues. First deny Obama a second term by manufacturing a chosen debt ceiling crisis. Destroy the economy for all but the wealthy. Give more tax breaks to companies sending jobs overseas. Crush all union. Make it almost impossible to register to vote. Save Medicare and Social Security by destroying them first then let insurance companies and Wall Street carve them up and swallow the pieces. Hope all you rednecks who vote Republican like fast food jobs or cutting lawns because that's all that will be left soon.