Whatever happened to the don't trust authority attitude of the 60's? Now it seems the prevailing attitude is if it's on the radio or television it must be true. What happened to healthy sceptacism? Some right wing gas bag spouts forth an outrageous lie and his mindless sheep brained followers repeat it ad-nauseum. The most incredible lie these gas bags have convinced the sheep of is, that it is wrong for the rich to pay their fair share. Rich people do not care about you. That is the absolute truth. The only thing they want from you is that you vote Republican. If you think the fat gas bags on radio or TV are just like you, try and walk into one of their country clubs. They pay more in greens fees than you make in a year. They have paid health care and have convinced you to vote against it for yourself. They help send most of the manufacturing jobs to Communist China because it saves them from giving you anything. The rich fat cat Republican wants the country to go back to the days of the robber barons. I think we are already there. If you are a mindless, one issue sheep, you are dumber than a bag of hammers. Abortion, gun control, taxes, and gay marriage are the ways the Fat Cat divides and conquers. Take a good look at the Tea Party members. They are mostly greedy Republicans whose only concern is their money.