Monday, July 2, 2012

Soul Killers

The Catholic Church has committed the unforgivable sin of institutional suicide. The covering up of child abuse and the moving of pedophile priests from parish to parish has done the work of the devil himself. I was born into Catholicism. In other words I, like many, am a cradle Catholic. I learned to serve as an altar boy when the Mass was conducted in Latin. I was never abused and all the memories I have of those days were pleasant ones. Back then being an altar boy gave you a certain status. It is beyond my comprehension to understand how bishops could simply move a killer of children's souls to another parish and hope for the best. Catholic bishops have lost all moral authority. They shouldn't voice their opinions on societies ills when they themselves have covered up the unpardonable.
At one time in the history of the church, priests were allowed to marry. Now they must remain celibate. To deny the primary biological imperative especially in today's world is just a recipe for disaster. The church is now in the death throws from self inflicted wounds. Even if the Catholic Church turns in every priest accused of child abuse and allows women to become priests and priests to marry, I don't think it will recover.

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