Friday, March 25, 2011

The Only Thing America Makes Anymore is the Rich Richer!

Whatever happened to the don't trust authority attitude of the 60's? Now it seems the prevailing attitude is if it's on the radio or television it must be true. What happened to healthy sceptacism? Some right wing gas bag spouts forth an outrageous lie and his mindless sheep brained followers repeat it ad-nauseum. The most incredible lie these gas bags have convinced the sheep of is, that it is wrong for the rich to pay their fair share. Rich people do not care about you. That is the absolute truth. The only thing they want from you is that you vote Republican. If you think the fat gas bags on radio or TV are just like you, try and walk into one of their country clubs. They pay more in greens fees than you make in a year. They have paid health care and have convinced you to vote against it for yourself. They help send most of the manufacturing jobs to Communist China because it saves them from giving you anything. The rich fat cat Republican wants the country to go back to the days of the robber barons. I think we are already there. If you are a mindless, one issue sheep, you are dumber than a bag of hammers. Abortion, gun control, taxes, and gay marriage are the ways the Fat Cat divides and conquers. Take a good look at the Tea Party members. They are mostly greedy Republicans whose only concern is their money.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The 2012 End Times Prophecy

By now most people have heard a little something about the ancient predictions, that in the afternoon of December 21, 2012, the world as we know it will end. Recent mass animal die offs and the rash of earthquakes in Haiti, South America, New Zealand, and Japan make these predictions seem more credible. Speculation as to how this will happen tends to run from solar flares, meteor strikes, volcanic eruptions, to global warming. What if the planet earth, in trying to get rid of it's most destructive parasite, is only the start of the process? What if mankind has been genetically programed to destroy itself? Every 50 years or so man starts some form of horrendous war in motion. The Second World War alone killed over 54 million people. Not to mention the First World War, The Korean Conflict, Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Let's face it, war is truly the ultimate abomination. Man gripped in this form of insanity inflicts terrible brutality upon his fellow man and even women and children. Think of the horror weapons cause. Mankind wallows in the creation of destruction. Think about the terror flamethrowers, cluster bombs, land mines shaped like toys, biological agents, poison gas, and the ultimate nuclear weapons cause.
Now take a look at the Middle East. Look at some of the African nations, look at how the rich in this country are cannibalizing the poor. Look at the hate spewed forth daily from radio and television stations with an agenda driven by false propaganda. Is it the same form of genetically encoded madness? Maybe the 2012 people are right. Something has definitely started to happen. Maybe the Neanderthals didn't die out. Maybe they are rising up to destroy the Cro-Magnums by spreading their intolerant stupidity.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

You Know You've Been Duped by the Right Wing if...

Take a little test to see if you have become a mindless sheep following the right wing by answering the following questions:
1. Do you find it funny when a right wing commentator makes fun of a seriously disabled person?
2. Are you jealous of people in a union because they get some form of health care and you have to wait for Doctors Without Borders to come back to America
3. Do you believe the current President of the United States was born and raise in Africa?
4. Do you believe that the rich, who pay more in greens fees than you make in a year, need more tax breaks?
5. Do you think collective bargaining should be abolished because you believe it means people in unions just want to collect your money?
6. Do you think letting guns on college campuses is a good idea?
7. Do you believe because a Republican candidate who dresses up in blue jeans and eats pork rinds is just like you?
8. Is it proper in your opinion to send all our manufacturing jobs to Communist China so Republican CEO's can buy more golden toilet seats?
9. Do you believe all taxes are bad? Even the ones that provide services for you such as police and firemen?
10. Do you really believe Republican Politicians care about you?

Friday, March 11, 2011

What the Greedy Rich Really Want

It is always puzzling to me why when people are so rich, that they never have to worry about anything, they worry about the little piece of pie crust the poor have. It is obscene the way rich people want to create a Republican Monarchy and use the comfortable prejudices of the common man to get it. The Republican rich, and rich people in general, feel that Democrats and Democracy should be abolished. Look at any Democrat President in the last 30 years and how they have not been allowed to effectively govern because of the side show antics of the extreme right. When Bill Clinton became president he created a budgetary surplus and the Republican Rich started up a bogus Whitewater scandal investigation. Right wing preachers even jumped on the band wagon and suggested the Clintons were covering up murders. When this wasn't enough, Rich Republicans impeached President Clinton for a sexual dalliance. Fast forward to President Obama's term, Rich republicans through their television and radio right-wing zealots have effectively taken health care reform back to hoping Doctors with Borders will come in once and a while. This not being enough, they challenge the citizenship of our President. Rich Republicans feel only they have the right to rule. They gain power by appealing to the most venal prejudices of the common man. Soon we won't have elections, only coronations.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Why the Hatred by Rich Republicans Towards Working Class Americans?

Let's face it. The hatred Rich Republicans have for the working class American is the reason the country is in such dire economic straits. Rich Republicans disdain even their own mindless working class supporters. Being masters of misdirection, Rich Republicans using right wing radio and television have convinced a vast percentage of average workers, to vote against their own self interest and vote Republican. Rich Republicans have been getting tax breaks for 30 years. The only jobs to trickle down to the average worker are the ones given to the Communist Chinese by Rich Republican CEO's.
The time has come to correct the inequities. It is time to tax the BeeJesus out of Rich Republicans and see if they move to China. The Rich Republican health care plan, Doctors without Borders, has already been tried. Like tax breaks for the Rich Republicans it doesn't work. Hardworking union members are not the problem. Bailed out Wall Street Rich Republican bankers are the problem. Competition with Communist Chinese workers who make pennies an hour is not the answer. Investing in America is the answer. CEO's who make 500 times their workers salary are the problem. The Rich Republican has ruined this country and is now trying to finish the job. If you are some ignorant easily misled average Joe, and you are going to continue to vote for Rich Republicans you will reap what you sow. Too bad the rest of us have to pay the price.