Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Here Comes the End of Medicare

"Here Comes the End of Medicare"
(Sung to the tune of Here Comes Peter Cottontail)

Here comes the end of Medicare
Hoppin' down the congressional halls.
Hippity Hoppity
The Republicans are on their way.

Bringing every Tea Party member,
A chance to turn Medicare into a burnt out ember.
Legislation to make their Easter bright and gay.

There are massive cuts for everything,
Misery for the poor is what they bring.
The end of the social contract
Is only weeks away

They plan to drive the country into a ditch,
Ruin the nation except for the rich.
Lying and exaggeration is the only way they play,
Because money is king they must have their way.
Hippity Hoppity the Republicans are on their way.

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