Friday, March 4, 2011

Why the Hatred by Rich Republicans Towards Working Class Americans?

Let's face it. The hatred Rich Republicans have for the working class American is the reason the country is in such dire economic straits. Rich Republicans disdain even their own mindless working class supporters. Being masters of misdirection, Rich Republicans using right wing radio and television have convinced a vast percentage of average workers, to vote against their own self interest and vote Republican. Rich Republicans have been getting tax breaks for 30 years. The only jobs to trickle down to the average worker are the ones given to the Communist Chinese by Rich Republican CEO's.
The time has come to correct the inequities. It is time to tax the BeeJesus out of Rich Republicans and see if they move to China. The Rich Republican health care plan, Doctors without Borders, has already been tried. Like tax breaks for the Rich Republicans it doesn't work. Hardworking union members are not the problem. Bailed out Wall Street Rich Republican bankers are the problem. Competition with Communist Chinese workers who make pennies an hour is not the answer. Investing in America is the answer. CEO's who make 500 times their workers salary are the problem. The Rich Republican has ruined this country and is now trying to finish the job. If you are some ignorant easily misled average Joe, and you are going to continue to vote for Rich Republicans you will reap what you sow. Too bad the rest of us have to pay the price.

1 comment:

  1. 81% of Americans said it was acceptable to have a sur tax on millionaires. You think Democratic law makers will ever step up for the people that vote them in and actually tax the top 1% a little more....
