Sunday, September 29, 2013
Thanks For The Shutdown Tea Party Clowns
Friday, September 27, 2013
The Migrating Wacko Bird
A little over 40 years ago, in the frigid Northern plains of Canada, a small insignificant Wacko bird hatched. As the little birdie grew he found he disliked the cold temperatures and universal healthcare of his birthplace. He found the only way to stay warm was to generate hot air. This not only warmed his minuscule heart, but for some unknown reason other birdbrains started paying attention. Wacko bird felt his chest and his ego growing and growing.Now the frozen North has always been short on birdbrains so the ego maniacal little Wacko bird decided to migrate to Texas. Now Texas has the room and the heat to stroke the little birds ego until he could no longer control it. Soon the tiny deluded bird found himself leader of all the squawking birds of prey.He erroneously ended up thinking himself the most brilliant bird since the Dodo. After squawking about himself for 21 hours one day most of the other birdbrain raptors flew the coop leaving Wacko bird all alone except for his ego.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Is Right Wing Media Guilty Of Sedition ?
Sedition, by definition, is the stirring up of rebellion, by encouraging citizens to rebel against their government. Sedition is against the law but because of the right to free speech the law is seldom enforced. Isn't claiming the president is born in Kenya stirring the pot of rebellion? Isn't claiming the former Sec. of State caused the deaths of diplomats in Benghazi causing unrest. Isn't screaming that any attempt to regulate semi-automatic weapons an attempt to come get your guns a secret call to revolution? Some gun nuts have even said they need their weapons to fight against the government.I have even heard that some right wingers are suggesting that the president of the United States was complicit in the poison gas attack on Syrian civilians. Now these propagandizing anti patriots want the shut down of the government or our defaulting on our debts just to deny health care to 30 million Americans too poor to be able to now purchase it. Isn't this sedition? I'm just asking.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Inside The Republican Dome
Remember the old movies West World and Future World? The plot of these movies was, basically rich people going to expensive vacation spots to live out infantile fantasies by destroying the mindless robots . The robots eventually malfunction and the bubble bursts causing insane amounts of chaos. Now we are faced with a version of Republican World. In this bubble encased world everyone carries a gun at all times,especially in schools, bars, city parks, and churches. Health care is based on health insurance C.E.O.'s whims and needs for more bonuses. In this world laws and regulations don't exist. Taxes don't exist. Immigrants aren't allowed. Voting isn't necessary because everyone in the dome is a monarch unto themselves. In the dome the problems start with maintenance because the inhabitants are incapable of doing anything for themselves. When something breaks it is hard to get some one to fix or remove it when you don't want to pay for it.Soon all the stale hot air inside the dome will cause it to implode solving the problem for all of us.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
A One Per-center's Last Judgement
One glorious sunny day, one of of the 1%, despite paying billions to stay alive, died. There was the customary phony wailing and gnashing of teeth as greedy relatives and fake friends gathered in hopes of filching some monetary treasure . Mr. One Percent, minus his bloated corporeal body, got to hear how the self serving parasites in his life really felt about him. They whispered among themselves of how the old bastard spent their inheritance on eye candy E.D. drugs and hostile takeovers. Suddenly, as the mounting sarcasm reached a crescendo Mr. One percent felt his mist form catapult skyward. Faster and faster he sped through the heavens. He came to a stop in front of a large golden gate with an ancient bearded man standing at an immense podium. A stern St. Peter flipped a few pages of a huge book running his finger down a list comparing whatever you do for the least of these and whatever you do for yourself and frowned. He then pointed to a fiery hole that just opened up and nodded at Mr. One Percent.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Is This America Or Some Alternate Universe?
I don't recognize this country anymore. People are violently disrespectful of the government and the president.There are politicians that are advocating getting rid of Social Security Medicare and food stamps.Children are being murdered in their strollers and the solution these vary same politicians have,to the insanity, is more guns even to the point of arming teachers. Stupid misinformed voters listen to television and radio personalities preaching seditious lies and, sheep like, vote for politicians who only worship the rich and their money. Oil and gas companies, the most obscenely wealthy companies on earth, are actually subsidized by the American taxpayer. Our once proud manufacturing base has been handed on bended knee to the Communist Chinese, all in the name of greed.The only industry left is the fast food industry. Soon the Communist Chinese will probably be selling American Fat Cats Solent Green patties because they are cheaper than beef. The America I used to know and love has been sold to the devil by the captains of greed.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Happiness Is A Warm Gun.... And A White Cane?
I don't know about you but allowing the blind to carry loaded guns doesn't make me feel any safer.Yes in the state of Iowa there is no safety prohibition against the blind being allowed to carry a loaded weapon. Here in Ohio the insecure are allowed to parade their loaded weapons of personal destruction in city parks. Yes, let's take the kiddies to the park where some old curmudgeon ,who hates kids, can strut around with a 45. loaded with hollow points on his hip. This is madness. Police face constant training and practice in the use of force. Now your neighbor who despises you, on the other hand , gets a quick course in how to shoot. I was at a garage sale this summer when an old guy, who seemed well into his 70's, walked around the tables with a semi automatic on his hip.Talk about fearing a possible senior moment. Are Americans so violent and afraid that everyone needs to grab their cell phone car keys and gun as they leave to go to the grocery store? How long will it be before some little league or soccer game turns into the shootout at the O.K. corral? Thank you insecure gun nuts for turning America into Lebanon.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
A Way To Get What You Want... Do The Opposite
Remember, when you were a child, using reverse psychology on those kids who would never go along with your ideas?Faced with Republicans in Congress who, no matter what the president proposes, will do the opposite, the president treats them like the recalcitrant obstructionists they are. He pretends to want military intervention when he really wants just the opposite. He pretends to be a hawk that flies with John and Lindsey while really being a dove. He ends up with getting what he wants and the Republicans are now on record rejecting intervention. This also gives Democrats the chance to stay doves. The only thing he has to do is to come out after the vote and say the American people have spoken and he will follow their wishes. This takes a lose lose situation and turns it into a win win. Yes I believe the selfish brats will be played and never realize it.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Bitten By The Warwolf
What can possibly explain President Obama's transformation from dove to warwolf. Was he bitten by John McCain or Lindsey Graham? Did he go out to walk the new dog one full moon night and get scratched by Dick Cheny? Can anything be done to change him back?. Remember one of the reasons he was elected for in 2008? He was against stupid military actions. Americans are sick to their very cores of interventions in the Middle East. American lives and vast amounts of it's treasure have been wasted in the sand storm deserts, on people who will always despise us. The only explanation for the president's metamorphosis has to be some form of Warcanththropy. Has he been driven over the edge by Republican obstructionists? It is now over for anything meaningful or constructive to be accomplished by the president in his second term.He has created, for himself, the ultimate lose lose scenario.The answer to murder isn't more killing.
Monday, September 2, 2013
How About An E.M.P.?
Now that the president has decided to punish the Syrian regime for it's horrendous use of nerve gas, why not go with an E.M.P.? You know the electronic magnetic pulse created by an air burst nuclear weapon. What use the one weapon W. couldn't even pronounce, you ask with horror?A small tactical nuke, exploded say 20 miles above Syria, would completely shut down Syria's war machine.It would also fry all the computers cell phones and electric grids in the country. Cars wouldn't run just like the object lesson in The Day The Earth Stood Still, the 1950's version. I mean if we are going to act like sanctimonious all powerful space invaders and stick our noses, once again, in a foreign countries internal problems,let's do it smartly. An air burst nuke won't kill directly and probably won't put any more radiation into the environment than a crippled Japanese reactor. We can even tell our allies what we are going to do.This certainly will send the message to the entire world America means business.
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