Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Made Up Crisis Time Again
Let's see, Teddy wants to abolish the I.R.S.. Johnny wants to hold the nation hostage by threatening not to pay our obligations worldwide, and many house Republicans want to de-fund the government. The Tea Party Circus has the clown show going in all three rings. So the plan is to abolish the government of the United States, right? What do Republicans want in place once they all give up their jobs and go home? Is it fifty little dictatorships all run by Republican legislators? This leads to a whole host of problematic future possibilities.What if Richard of Texas pronounces he is king and decides to wage a holy crusade against California because he despises their lifestyles? What if emperor Scott of Wisconsin abolishes all public schools and makes his serfs children either attend charter schools or home school them? What if the prince or princess of Alaska makes anyone reaching the age of 65 float away on an iceberg, to save money? Will all the new tiny countries have their own armies? Will the only law be the law of the jungle? No taxes means absolutely no services of any kind,right? We will all be on our own and the only real benefit will be we won't have to listen to politicians anymore..
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Can You Master The Republican Sneer Smirk ?
The speaker of the house does it every time he talks to the press. Ted Cruz wears it on his face like a mask. Paul Ryan does it every time he tries to destroy more programs for poor people It's the Republican sneer smirk and it is absolutely infuriating to Democrats. It 's the your an asshole if you think we will ever compromise on anything look.There is nothing that broadcast's your intentions better than a look of total derision The key to the sneer smirk is the twinkle in the eye in conjunction with the sneering of the lips. It shows you have complete contempt for anyone who does not share your Scrooge like plans for the country. Yes in order to master the look you must absolutely believe in the inferiority of ideas other than your own.The word compromise cannot be uttered while sneer smirking.Democrats do not have this weapon in their arsenal. Democrats who have been elected ,feel they should actually do something for their salaries. Today's sneer smirker is a bring the government down politician. Republicans equate their job security with intransigence. The Republican voter,who is not rich, has been convinced by the far right propaganda machine that endlessly spews out spurious twists on daily politics to hate health care reform, even though under Republicans health care for the poor consisted of Doctors Without Borders coming to town once a year. These less than intellectual giants have been convinced by the media shills of corporate America that unions are evil, pensions are something to be raided,.the solution to gun violence is more guns,and women should relinquish control of their reproductive rights and the Communist Chinese worker is more deserving of American money then the American worker.
Friday, July 26, 2013
G.O.P. Politicians....B Movie Villains
Once a republican politician leaves elected office, he can always find employment as a B movie villain.Take Scrooge in the 1930's version of a Christmas Carol.He fires his hardworking dedicated employee Bob Cratchet on Christmas Eve. One of Bob's children, Tiny Tim, will be dead in another year if he doesn't receive proper health care. Scrooge after three visits from helpful spirits, has an Epiphany and becomes a generous human being. Only evil spirits must visit today's Republican law abolish-er.You know the evil spirits with calves the size of cantaloupes.Republicans don't care at all about the Cratchet's or the Tiny Tim's of today's America. Money and it's accumulation are their god and goal. Just look at the vote to enrich the already rich agri business and eliminate the food stamp program.Watch some old Three Stooges or Little Rascal short subjects.The villains always hold the deed to the ranch or try to con some old lady out of her stocks. How about some pasty faced smirking vampire movie where the vampire sucks the life-force from the peasant population. Just look what the leaders at Enron told their employees about how solid the company stock was,while at the same time selling off theirs. Wasn't the head of Enron a personal friend of W Bush?The real reason America has B actors in position to destroy it is that easily fooled ignorant and prejudiced voters keep bringing Republican politicians back to life like Jason or Freddy Kruger. Wake up! When's the last time a Republican did something for you rather than to you?
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
That Giant Sucking Sound, From The Rich
Remember Ross Perot and his line that the giant sucking sound was jobs being sucked out of the country?That giant sucking sound, in reality, is all the nations money being siphoned upwards. At one time in this country's timeline there was a middle class and the playing field, thanks to unions, was relatively even. Working people could count on pensions Social Security and some employer provided health care to allow them to retire with dignity. No more. American workers now have to work till they drop.This is because the greedy bloated fat cats running companies spend all their time accumulating personal wealth at the expense of the American worker. Pensions and company paid health care are as extinct as the dinosaur. Overtime is being morphed into personal time off and unions, because of the anti union propagandists on right wing radio and television, are looked upon as evil when the opposite is true.The one thing these Chinese Communist job providers don't realize is eventually feeding like bloated leeches can cause them to rupture.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Fear, The Ultimate Killer
Fear causes just as much death and misery as fanatical religious beliefs do.Religious inquisitions, crusade's, jihad's have killed countless thousands.If you don't believe as we do you must be shunned, purged, or destroyed. Like religion, fear makes it easy to demonize someone not like you. The alien other is to to be looked upon with suspicion and distrust.Early mankind formed tribes because it was beneficial to your health to fear others during that violent time. It's 2013 now and unreasonable naked fear should not be a factor in passing laws. When cavemen like legislators pass chest thumping laws that make violent confrontation legal the country becomes less safe. So thanks to concealed carry laws and stand your ground laws, feeling threatened, if someone advances on you can give them a one way ticket to the morgue. What's next? How about he looked at me funny so I shot him laws. Or I was frightened so I started shooting laws. If you are afraid of people that don't look like you stay home in your bunker and clutch your weapon of personal destruction to your quaking chest.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Constrict The Money, Strangle The Cities
Republican boa constrictors are slowly squeezing all the money out of the cities. Detroit is just the most recent to file for bankruptcy. Cutting state taxes that are absolutely vital to the life force of the cities is just a slow constriction way of bringing them to their knees. Cities are not the only ones to face this powerful serpents coils. School systems, Women's health programs, children and the elderly hunger alleviating programs, locked in pension funds all are all facing the deadly monetary constriction. This is the disgusting reality of 2013. We have become the richest and stingiest nation on earth.We are collapsing faster than ancient Rome that's been drinking wine from lead lined goblets. The relentless squeeze by the Fat Cats and their toady politicians pops the money out of the pockets of the poor and needy and into the wallets of the mega rich. As the let them eat cake crowd drives blissfully to their mansions I bet not one of them even considers the pain and hunger they've left in the wake of their callous policies.Here is something they should consider though,once America and it's infrastructure crumble and all the jobs are being done by the Communist Chinese, America will truly become a third world nation. Eventually, Fat Cats, you will find it very difficult to travel safely in the America you have created. Start thinking about this wealth at any cost insane policy you are waging. It puts us all at risk, even you.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Subsidize Agribusiness, Starve The Hungry
I am so proud of Republican lawmakers for crawling out from under their metaphorical golden rocks and strutting their true beliefs for all to see. Yes now we all get to see the total lack of compassion or understanding of the human misery they cause by only appealing to a rabid right wing base. Incredibly they have voted on the record to increase the subsidies for giant mega rich agribusiness corporations and at the same time not fund the life saving food stamp program.It's obvious why they subsidize big oil and the agribusiness,big donations to their campaigns. It seems cruel beyond measure to deprive hungry children of food.What is the appeal for people to become Republicans? What admiral qualities do people find in the Republican ideology? Does the average Republican believe gutting Social Security and Medicare is a way of imparting kindness to others? Is treating women like it's the 19th century and they are subjects for men to lord over a recruiting tool? Do they find the Republican solution for immigrants,which boils down to high walls and deportation, righteous? Is it because they long to own a machine gun with armor piercing ammunition. Is it the anti gay thing? Is it the hatred of Obama thing? Is it the I don't want to pay any taxes thing? Is it the I hates the government thing? Now I'm not sure if the rumors are true but I've heard the rumor you have to sell your soul to join.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
America And It's Ruling Elite
Now that the game has been completely rigged and the average American has become the equivalent of a feudal serf,what's next for the let them eat cake crowd? Out of 300 million Americans alive today a small number of them rule over the rest. Our rich princes, looking down from their lofty perches, like regal vultures, have one thing that unites them,the unending need for more. They already have their own political party in their wallets. They have their own media networks spewing their own mind dulling spurious propaganda to keep the venal sheep voting against their own self interests. They've bought their own scientific studies to keep convincing the stupid sheep the climate is not changing and injecting poisoned fracking water by the hundreds of millions of gallons underground, will not destroy the water table. They have sent America's manufacturing base to Communist China so they can rake in obscene profits and keep the American worker begging for scraps.American flags are now made in China by Communists.Does the irony elude the sheep? How about this for a new conspiracy theory to keep the sheep awake nights,maybe the super rich have cut a deal with the Commies to turn over all of Americas assets in exchange for perpetual wealth and power. Sure doesn't look implausible to me.
Friday, July 12, 2013
America Surrenders All To China
It's all over now and China has won. Yes we have been subjugated by the Communist Chinese. The weapon used to defeat us was the weapon we gave them, capitalism. America was ,purely and simply defeated by it's fat cats giving in to unquenchable greed. We have given up our manufacturing jobs in return for C.E.O. golden toilet seats. We have made hard working Americans train Communist Chinese workers on our machinery and then shipped their jobs to the once red menace. Can you imagine an American living in the 1950's even contemplating the sell out to the Commies going on now? Right now Communist China is in the process of to acquire most of America's pork industry.Why is this happening? Greed of course. Will America see pig carcasses soon floating in the Mississippi? Happened in China. I find it incredible that rather than pay loyal hard working Americans a living wage and some benefits fat cat greed mongers will give up everything America makes, even it's flag, to the Communists. Get ready to, soon , ride your Chinese bicycle to your rice paddy harvesting job for your new employer. So next time, when some right wing asshole on the radio or television asks where are the jobs, call his station and tell him the jobs are in Communist China thanks to the fat cat greed mongers he or she is shilling for.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Crushing The Will Of The People
The Republican Party has decided that the will of the majority of Americans doesn't matter. Only Republican ultra conservative ideology matters. Take the 90% of Americans who wanted background checks for gun buyers, didn't matter. Here in Ohio, over 20 years ago, Ohio's Supreme Court ruled that the way Ohio funded the schools was unfair and must be changed. Didn't matter to Republican lawmakers after 20 years the system is still the same.The Majority of Americans want comprehensive immigration reform. Won't happen because right wing voters in 2010 put Tea Party obstructionists in the House of the Theater of the Absurd.Roe versus Wade rescued women making the most monumental decision of their lives,from the back alley, to a safe alternative. Doesn't matter, just look whats happening in male Republican dominated state legislatures across America. To the new Republican Party laws and the peoples will do not matter. They will just ignore what the majority wants until we vote them out of office.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Mixing Metaphors
Once this country was like a wild free salmon populated river,flowing unimpeded filled with migrating salmon.Now the river is polluted, blocked by dams, and the salmon are dying in stagnant pools filled with jumping carp and franken fish. To switch metaphors, the greedy pigs have taken over the farm. George Orwell's novel Animal Farm shows us just what this country has become. A nation with political leaders absolutely corrupted by power. Woody Allen said it best in his comedy Sleeper, " There are no political solutions". In Orwell's other great novel 1984 he points out what happens when when you give up your freedoms to feel secure. Now we just trudge along mindlessly,willing to pay outrageous gasoline prices,letting the government collect all our phone data, and giving our life savings to hospital C.E.O.'s who make millions on our illnesses. The sad part is that the big brother propaganda isn't coming from the government, it's coming from right wing radio and television millionaire shills for the rich. Huge groups of angry disaffected people find big brother hate distrust and lies a comforting panacea. It is always easy to blame the so called other. Blame the immigrant, blame the unions, blame the poor, blame everybody but those greedy rich who are really at fault. Everyone deserves respect in the workplace, a livable wage,and affordable health care. Instead of grabbing a little less the rich would rather send your job to Communist China. How do the younger workers without the bias of their parents become complacent pawns of the status quo? A. Huxley's novel Brave New World provides the answer,soma. Soma, in the novel is a tranquilizer used by those in power to calm the disaffected. Today we have I phones, video games,schlock reality T.V.,and social networking, nuf said.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Ohio, The Sanctuary State
Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin all will soon become the new best locations in the new climate change nation. The reason is obvious, the rest of the country is burning, being obliterated by monster storms,or will shortly be under water.People out West are being subjected to temperatures that are turning even the most grizzled into dried out husks. The smart ones will migrate Northeast in droves. Can you imagine temperatures over 130 degrees in say Dallas? All the non union minimum wage jobs Texas can generate won't lure business into a frying pan workplace. Ohio will be great to live in if our fresh water isn't all used up by the poison water creating fracking process. Pennsylvania has smarter politicians than Ohio and is sending us their poisoned forever fracking water also. Once clean water has been poisoned in the fracking process it can only be injected into deep underground wells. In ten years or so if this poison migrates to the water table bet the oil and gas companies that caused this problem will disavow any responsibility. You can count on it.Water is soon to become the new gold. Grabs for great lakes water to be pipelined out West are always in the works. Republican politicians will sell the very air we breathe if they can figure out a way to do it.The Northern states and Canada will see unprecedented growth in the next decade. If you think this is nonsense just wait till you see the hurricane season this fall.
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