Sunday, June 30, 2013
Papers, Papers Please
Now that the U.S. Senate has passed it's version of immigration reform what do you think the chances are of all the little presidential wanna bees in the in the House of Representatives of coming up,with one are? These pompous peacocks, with egos as large as their voting districts, act like little dictators posturing and gesturing as if they were barnyard roosters.The only thing these strutting politicians care about is the chance to show off their far right ideology to their rabid lockstep base. Democrats in the House won't vote for some repressive legislation and right wingers trying to out right wing one another won't either. This will become another grandstanding exercise in futility just like the 40 odd meaningless ,waste of taxpayer's money votes to repeal Obama Care.The House of Representatives should be renamed The Theater of the Absurd.Hatred of President Obama, of Democrats, and of anyone without a right wing view point, has ground our nation to a halt. If by some miracle, a bill with a Berlin wall provision does manage to pass, can't you just see Vladimir Putin standing in front of it saying ( Mr. Obama, tear down this wall!)
Friday, June 28, 2013
The Wasted Human Brain
Think of the wasted potential of the human brain. The dinosaurs had 350 million years to develop but didn't get beyond eating one another. Man comes on the scene and goes from harnessing fire to landing on the moon in just a few hundreds of thousands of years. So why have we skidded to a moralistic halt? Is it because as the human fetus develops it still goes through a lizard brain stage? Think about the absolute abomination of war. War has been part of the human condition since man kind first started walking upright. Why war? Like the song says, what is it good for, absolutely nothing. The only thing war ends up doing is thinning the herd. So how come so many so called leaders and politicians are always clamoring to start another one? The human intellect could turn the whole planet into a literal Garden of Eden, and yet, we persist in banishing people who are not of our tribe to live like Cain outside the garden. Until we accept the fact that the human brain is the ultimate gift, we will continue to demean deny,and slaughter one another.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
One Side Or The Other
The division in America is very apparent, so it's time to trumpet which side you are on. Do you believe that people working for a living should have benefits, or do you believe benefits are only for the company owners? Do you listen to the insidious propaganda filling the air waves by right wing millionaire shills for the rich? Worse yet do you believe their infantile drivel? Do you believe in the passing of restrictive voter I.D. laws to make it harder for certain groups to vote? Do you believe that a woman should be denied a pregnancy termination under any circumstances? Do you believe insurance companies should be allowed to deny birth control to woman? Do you believe health care should be only for the privileged and the rich?Do you favor under funding public schools to give the money to charter schools? Would you deny food to hungry children just to save money? Do you believe your choice of one of the 2000 recognized religions is the one true religion and anyone who doesn't believe as you do is going to burn for eternity in hell? Is the second amendment the only one you can quote and misinterpret?If this is your world view you've already revealed your choice for America.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Taxea Are Absolutely Necessary
The anti tax Luddites are trying to put Ohio into 3rd world status. Soon after the 2010 elections the Republican government take over charged forth with it's SB5 anti union anti working people bill. The bill was put on the ballot and was soundly defeated.So here we go again,the rich and their political party are pushing to cut state taxes and keep more money for their luxury items.Hey fat cats you can only live in one house at a time. How about paying your fair share and letting the rest of us at least a livable wage with some benefits.Taxes are absolutely necessary for a society to remain safe and civilized. They pay for police protection, firemen, teachers,road and bridge repair, snow removal, and a myriad of other important services.People who live by the sweat of their brows and sometimes even their blood, deserve a livable wage with some benefits.When are people going to quit listening to bloated right wing gas bags on the radio telling them to be beholding to their beneficent job creators.Taxes and benefits are not evil.Those who would take from hard working people so they can live obscenely extravagant meaningless lifestyles are evil. The rich anti taxers better watch out, the next bridge that collapses may occur when their limo is driving over it. Now that would be some great karma.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Why Isn't America More Like Canada ?
Went on a fishing vacation this week to the French River in Canada. Beautiful uncrowded wilderness and river. This is a country with a lot of the right ideas in place. The highways and bridges aren't falling apart and the roadsides are for the most part litter free. It seems like business is booming everywhere and capitalism works in a far less harsh manner. Their health care system takes care of all the people not just the rich.Medications are far more affordable than in the U.S.. The fishing is probably what it used to be 150 years ago in America. Less people means less problems but it is evident that Canadians take pride in their country. Canada fits into the 21st. and America keeps trying to go back to the robber baron plagued 19th.. Canada tries mightily to take care of it's people and wilderness, we on the other hand have become a people and nation divided against itself.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Bill And John Bully Barrack And America Into War
Can you believe we're getting involved in another mindless talent time and treasure, sucking war in the Middle East? What a great idea, let's arm some more people who hate our guts, so eventually they can turn them on us. Doesn't anyone in government remember Osama Bin Laden?Billions for people who feel we need to be wiped off the planet? Why is an Arizona Senator acting as if he were president and trying to set foreign policy?Did he forget he lost his bid for the presidency? Shouldn't he be working on immigration reform and a jobs bill? We can't have 100 Senators grandstanding and dragging us into another war. Did Bill,little self control Clinton, really call the current president a wus? Mr. Clinton your economic policies gave us prosperity and your lack of self control gave us Bush.Don't be a grandstander, take a cue from Jimmy Carter and continue to help the poor. Let's leave foreign policy to the current president.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Devoid Of Balance Chaos Reigns
People all over the world are fragmenting into tribal groups. The latest example is the unrest in Turkey. Once again religion is the catalyst. Instead of the yin and yang balance we need people are massing into chaotic groups united in their certainty that they are right. Everything in nature is in balance. Night and day,young and old, summer and winter, life and death, all in balance. When things are in balance life flows as it should. Maybe the chaos we constantly see when tribes unite and become intolerant of those outside their group is part of the grand scheme balance. Our country has stopped moving forward and is forming into two camps, the like of which we haven't seen since the Civil War. Republicans hate Democrats and Democrats hate Republicans. Compromise,or balance if you will,has become, is non existent.This is the case all over the planet. The experiment that we call mankind may be coming to an end. Maybe the cosmic balance doesn't include man.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
The Equality Myth
You have to live on minimum wage without benefits , and the average C.E.O. makes 383 times the pay of those working for him. Is this equality? You don't have health insurance because the monthly rates would force you to go without food. You have health insurance because you work for one of the few companies today, providing some benefits. Is this equality? You couldn't go to college because these for profit excuses of higher learning have presidents making million dollar salaries. You went to the college of your choice because your daddy made his money the old fashioned way, he inherited it. Is this equality?You are overweight, drink too much, and your caloric intake consists mostly of sugary and salt filled cheap food. You are fit,you pay for a gym membership, and you eat expensive organically grown food. Is this equality? You get caught doing drugs and spend time in jail. You get caught doing drugs and your pricey lawyer gets the case thrown out. In America equality has two distinct definitions.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Big Oil Feels The Need For More Greed
It's never enough is it? Those money hungry lovers of unrestrained greed, big oil, are at it again. What's the excuse for bringing America to it's knees with outrageous price hikes again? Is it too many seagulls landing on off shore oil rigs? Are oil company executives running out of gold leaf toilet paper? Are all the commercials telling us how great the poisonous fracking process and oil sludge pipelines are going over budget? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you had a product everyone used every day? Why, unless you have a conscious, you could charge whatever you want. Then you could take some of your obscene profits, that take the food out of the mouths of babies, and buy a whole political party to protect your interests. Yes fat cats as you wipe your asses with poor family food money and laugh, remember karma is a bitch.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Military Sexual Assaults, Just Raging Hormones?
Are all Republican politicians clueless cavemen? This would seem to be a fair question to ask given the the recent bellows and grunts coming from the endless political investigations lately. The recent investigation into rapes in the military elicited this type comment from a Republican knuckle dragger , He said the reason for the rapes was the young men entering the armed services were the victims of raging hormones. In other words what do you expect? Boys will be boys. They can't be blamed for not possessing an ounce of self restraint. Do women actually vote for Republicans and expect them to have values that protect them? I cannot understand why anyone who can at least read at a third grade level would even consider voting for these Neanderthals, let alone intelligent women. Since the 2010 elections the Republicans in congress have not passed one bill to benefit the American public. They want to obstruct and destroy things like Social Security, Medicare, Obama Care, and anything that doesn't benefit the rich.Americans, especially American women, do not deserve politicians who want the law of the jungle to be our only rule.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Time For Some Red Meat At The White House
It is a terrible thing to watch the most powerful man on the face of the earth be reduced to looking like he needs testosterone therapy. I hate to say this but President Obama is on course to be the least effective 2nd term Democratic president in history. Republicans know in the game of chicken the president will swerve out of harms way long before he has to. When someone beats on you for 5 years and you do not retaliate in any way you can only expect more of the same. The best defense is a powerful offense. Bullies need to be over powered. The president needs to get pissed off. Harry Truman and Jack Kennedy all knew how to fight. When confronted with rampaging Neanderthals you don't invite them to dinner. If you don't have the passion to get down and dirty you should have never run for the toughest office in the land. Hillary Clinton has far more testosterone then the current president. She knew a right wing conspiracy when she saw one, and wasn't afraid to say so. The best Democrats can hope for is that our punching bag president maintains enough Democrats in congress to maintain his veto power. In the meantime only red meat should be served at the White House.
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