Wednesday, May 29, 2013
America Is Broken, Let's Sell It
Time to face reality, America is broken beyond repair. There is so much hatred and distrust mixed with elected leaders who posture but don't lead that we are cooked. Stick a fork in any state, we're done. Before there isn't any value left we should finish what the Republicans started back in 1980. Remember under Reagan how the Japanese were financing our debt and buying up Hawaii and parts of California? One of the first things Reagan did once he left office was go to Japan and give a speech for 3 million dollars. The first president Bush ruined that by puking on the Japanese prime minister. President Clinton got the country's economy booming but was diminished by letting little Willie out to play. This folly gave us W who promptly took a huge surplus and gave it to the needy rich. The rich now engorged with tax cut money handed over our manufacturing base to the Communist Chinese so they would continue to finance the war debt W caused. We did get tainted dog treats and lead painted kids toys for the millions of jobs we gave to the Commies. Enter president Obama. The great Democrat hero then had two chances to end the tax give away Bush created for the mega rich. He flinched faster than a 2nd grader facing a 4th grade bully demanding his lunch money. So here's my idea, catalog the assets of each state and then put the states up for sale on E-bay. Once each state is sold and the governors and their cronies get their cuts the buyers can descend like locusts and pillage whats left. If you find this idea ludicrous just think of all the oil and gas found here in America and sold to the highest world bidder. When all our resources have been shipped overseas the new owners can turn whats left into a toxic waste dump.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
More People, Faster Communication, The Meaner It Gets.
When I was a child, a thousand years ago, or so it seems, the world was a different place. There was a lot of open space with fields filled with insects especially butterflies. We road our bikes all over the neighborhood and visited Mom and Pop stores filled with cheap candy behind glass counter tops.At Halloween kids as young as 8 or 9 went trick or treating with their buddies not their parents. We watched Captain Kangaroo before school and the original Mickey Mouse Club before supper. There were only 3 television channels all broadcast in black and white. We read comic books and played games we made up until dark,not some organized sport ruled over by jaded adults and screaming parents. Now gratification has to be instant and constant. Computer games on hand held devices, phones, or giant T.V. screens take the place of parents. Every waking moment has to be filled with mind numbing frivolous distraction. Parents set examples by texting while driving or playing games on their phones. News of innocents being butchered somewhere in the world is instantly shoved in our faces. Soul killing porn is just a click away. This world has become a very mean place and becomes meaner by the second. The genie is out of the bottle for good and will never be restrained again.
Friday, May 24, 2013
America Crumbles As The Rich Count Their Money
Did you see the most recent bridge collapse in Washington State, on T.V.? America is disintegrating because of unfair tax rates that favor the rich. In the early 1950's the Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Congress at the time, taxed the rich and the rest of the country at rates that allowed us to build a great modern highway system. The worst thing our current president has done is is twice not letting all the Bush tax cuts expire. Because of president Clinton's leadership in tax rate fairness the economy boomed. President Bush then took a huge tax surplus distributed it to the wealthy and caused the biggest downturn since the great depression.Given the chance to go back to fair tax policy president Obama chose twice to cripple if not kill any chance we had to get this country repairing it's infrastructure again. This president does not know how to fight or even counter punch.Now beset by media hyped scandals and Republicans who have hated him since he took office he has become as ineffectual any lame duck can be. A fighter battles back the school yard brainiac just gets beat up. Too bad the the stakes are so high.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
What Tragedies Portend
As we head towards the winnowing of mankind, the realization that it's too late and nothing can be done, is hitting home. Maybe fifty years ago if we had slowed carbon emissions we would have enjoyed a few more tolerable weather years.The extinction process that effects the animal kingdom is now herding mankind towards the last roundup.It took 350 million years to end the reign of the dinosaurs,man's stewardship is about to be a very much shorter time span. The one trait you can always count on is man will over use and abuse mother nature. Just look at our track record. It took millions of years to turn dinosaurs into oil and maybe a 150 years to use it up. Now we are in the fracking era where millions of gallons of fresh water are poisoned forever just to frack one well. Then the poison is injected deep underground possibly causing earthquakes and polluting ground water.Damn mother nature full speed ahead.We wiped out the dodo the passenger pigeon and we almost wiped out the bison. You can only abuse a mother for so long before she strikes back. The terrible tragedy we've just seen in Oklahoma will end up becoming the norm. Droughts and floods will be constant as mother nature redistributes all the new water from the melting ice caps. Some wacky preacher or pandering politician is sure to announce that all the death and destruction is because we are so godless. The real reason is man just can't help being the ultimate destroyer.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Bottom Feeding Scandal Fish
Friday, May 17, 2013
America, The Three Ring Circus
A once mighty, honorable, and righteous nation,has become a three ring circus clown show.Founded with a built in premise of checks and balances, we have become a non-functioning worldwide joke. The executive branch has been nullified by the 535 member legislative branch whose members all think they are just as important as the president. The judicial branch has become a partisan arm of whatever party the president who appointed them belongs to. Good intentions alone do not make a good president. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. This president is totally clueless when it comes to a fight. He has been successfully neutered by a Tea Party clown show and a House speaker who will not let any bill get a floor vote unless it is to repeal Obama Care. Because the Southern States are still licking their wounds over the Civil War they keep electing intellectual midgets that think science was brought forth by the devil and god chose them for office. Yes ,as they thump their bibles while kissing their mistresses the dolts down South keep putting them back in office. It really is time to separate the states and go our own ways. Just think Southerners you can send your state back in time to 1860 scream out your rebel yell and let the rich regain their proper place on the ladder,far far above you. Your AR-15 loving senators can even get you tax breaks on your next weapon of personal destruction. Just leave the people who like living in 2013 alone. All your beliefs based on 2OOO year old teachings, when turned into some repressive law, should only apply to Republicans. Oh and by the way, when the next hurricane plows through your state because one of your preachers couldn't turn it away, don't come begging to the government you despise.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
God Bless The Greedy (sung to the tune of God Bless America )
Sunday, May 12, 2013
The War Mongering Elephants
The war loving elephants are trumpeting the call to war again. They want us fully back to battle in the Middle East again. Do you remember when the Russians invaded Afghanistan and we gave aid to the rebels that were fighting them?Remember that one rebel leader Osama Bin Lama? Do you remember Rumsfeld shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein? Do you Remember McCain meeting with Qaddafi and saying how he thought we could do business with him?Do you remember those magical invisible W.M.D.'s that cost us trillions in debt and thousands of lives.Yes boys and girls these ancient war obsessed, constantly wrong, elephants are at it again. War is the ultimate abomination and in the case of Syria completely uncalled for. If we arm these rebels now, in a few years they will be killing American soldiers. Don't listen to the chicken hawks on right wing propaganda stations. They never served in the military but they have no problem sending young Americans to be killed or maimed. Just as soon as the chicken shit hawks and the ancient soldiers sign up and lead the charge then the elephants can show they lead by example and not stay safely hidden behind young lives.
Friday, May 10, 2013
The Southern War of Cultural Agression
That state of huge ego's, Texas, just hosted a convention for gun toting cowboy's and cowgirl's from all over the South and West. They had a whole host of holier than thou speakers pontificating on how,by god, they are always absolutely right about everything, and us Northerners are immoral, elitist, treasonous, country wreckers, who should all apply for citizenship in France.When these mouth breathers school together like sharks, they rip and and slash into anyone who disagree's with their primitive outlook on life. Guess what Roy and Dale, the only thing your rants and raves do is show your true souls and kill your tourist industry. Why don't all vigilante wannabees from all over America, just move to Texas? You can revel in how good a shot with an assault weapon your governor is. Get some of those great minimum wage jobs without benefits the state likes to tout.Why anyone from the North would choose to vacation in states where the residents think Northerners are lower than whale shit is beyond me.Starve the beast, keep your money up North, let the Southern mentality states revive their Confederate monetary system.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Pay Congress Minimum Wage
Let's face it, Congressional salaries are the biggest waste of taxpayer money going. These so called peoples representatives are definitely not worth the salaries, health benefits, and other perks, we as taxpayers bestow upon them. These Scrooges cry foul when anyone mentions raising the minimum wage. If the minimum wage is so livable then let our Congressmen live on it. No more free health care , no Congressional gym, just a basic salary. They do not deserve more. They do nothing but endlessly try to repeal Obama Care and genuflect to the gun industry. They have tied the president's hands, and have turned America into a cruel three ring circus. If I hear one more Senator croon his undying love for his phallic AR-15 I think I'll puke.We get it OK! You love guns more than people, hate women having control over their own bodies, and couldn't care less about hungry children or the elderly. Let's reconsider you don't deserve the minimum wage,at least regular people receiving it earn it.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Give Me Meanness Or Give Me Death
This country is definitely number one in meanness. There is now, like never before, an actual hatred for people who don't march in lockstep with the right wing insane viewpoint of modern life.These people actually hate the president.They attack his wife , his children, and any efforts by the president to help Americans. These Neanderthals hate everyone who doesn't worship the way they do, or may entertain a theory that doesn't believe the earth is 10,000 years old and man road on the backs of dinosaurs. The made up propaganda spewed forth on hate radio and T.V. put World War Two German propagandists to shame. Why is this garbage of unbridled hatred so unchallenged by the main stream media? Call these attempts to whip up hatred what they really are, violence inspiring mean spirited drivel. The only warm spot for the mean at heart , is for their guns.
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