Monday, July 30, 2012
Everything for a Profit, Even War
When you ask the average person what do we fight wars for, he will, at some point, use the words freedom and democracy. I think these two words should be replaced with words that describe the real reasons for war. The words are business and profit. World War Two was the last war fought to protect world wide freedom. Since then the Korean war and the Vietnam war were fought to contain ideologies. Dwight D. Eisenhower, as he left office, warned against the insidiousness of the military Industrial complex. He knew that the nation could easily be mis-led into believing in the necessity of wars. War today has become an acceptable new industry reaping profits from misery. War really is the ultimate abomination. Smart weapons are simply an oxymoron. War only causes death, disease, famine, dismemberment, sorrow and hatred. Now that we have an all volunteer Army and we outsource the feeding and housing of troops, war has become so profitable that you can plan on one being ongoing at all times. Guess what country is next? Yes, as one presidential candidate has said, Iran won't be allowed to have nuclear capabilities when he is president.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Why Must We Compete for Everything?
This has bothered me for a long time. Why is the concept of winners and losers so ingrained in us that we must make absolutely everything a competition? Kids from the earliest age are structured to strive to be winners. Their little league baseball teams push the kids to win and shake off their injuries, for the good of the team. Schools would rather cut bus transportation, when faced with budget cuts, than cut extra-curricular sports. Even the arts have competitions to see who the best singer or dancer or artist is. Who won the box office movie title this week? Who cares? Everyone on this planet has something to offer. Who cares if the quality of his or her contribution isn't the number one best? What's wrong with being proud for doing the best you can and making a contribution to society? Can't ideas and accomplishments be admired for what they are, and not be ranked first, second, or third? Don't you get tired of people screaming we're number one or singing we are the champions? I know I do.
Monday, July 16, 2012
The Re-emergence of the Robber Baron
What's the saying, "if you ignore history you are doomed to repeat it?" Americans right now are not only ignoring history but constantly trying to re-write it. There is this longing desire among the right wing to take us back to our tarnished past. Back to the good old days of union busting, racism, and second class personhood for women. The government official who used to serve all the electorate now only serves the rich. Billionaires are now treated like little monarchs reigning over the serfs. They have the money to trumpet their agenda constantly with television and radio hosts that have convinced the intellectually lazy American that it is the patriotic thing to vote against their own self interests and embrace their prejudices. The days of we are all created equal are over. Now corporations are people, my friend. Yes they are. Big oil and gas can now destroy million year old water aquifers with impunity. State legislatures can pass laws throwing out local elections and appoint their own ideological minded managers. The EPA, an agency started by Richard Nixon, is now considered a job killing efete staffed, unnecessary beuracracy. Wait til this next election. When the zealots take total control again, the death spiral of democracy will be complete and we will be the United Corporations of America.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Obama Care or Republican Neglect
I don't feel quite as pessimistic about the Supreme Court as I used to. They have spoken and Obamacare is the law of the land. Even with this impressive ruling, states like mine, Ohio, are still fighting against it. Talk about total hypocrisy. Just last week parts of Ohio were devastated by severe thunderstorms. Now governor John Kasich of Ohio immediately got on the phone to request tax dollar help from President Obama. Let's see with one breath the governor rejects helping the poor and with the next breath asks for tax dollar help. At least Ron Paul says let everyone sink or swim totally on their own. If the goal is to totally get rid of taxes and let the market place rule, then don't stick your hand out for federal tax dollars ever. If I were the president I would just say as soon as you implement the affordable care act that disaster help will be on its way. The Republicans always want to cut some program they don't like, to pay for disaster relief, I say don't send any disaster funds until they comply. If you are a Republican who hates taxes, hates regulations, hates the EPA, and can't stand President Obama, don't stick your hand out. It's embarrassing.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Evolution From the Ancient 1960's
I wonder how many people today, running and ruining America, remember the 1960's? The early 1960's started out very idealistically. John Kennedy was elected president and there was a feeling of optimism about our lives. A goal of landing on the moon was voiced and by the end of the decade, accomplished. Overt racism was finally being brought to a heel. Then came the Bay of Pigs aborted invasion and the scariest moment of all, the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Domino Theory of southeast Asia started to take hold. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. The world changed forever. Lyndon Johnson took the war in Vietnam to a new level. His dream of the "Great Society" at least ushered in Medicare. The seemingly endless war in Vietnam was finally ended but only after draft age protesters rallied the rest of the nation to end it. The powers that be needed to come up with a way to take the protest out of the lucrative business of war. Hence the all volunteer Armed Services. No draft, no protest. Even better still, let private contractors make billions servicing the troops. Ship all the jobs to a cheap overseas labor force and soon the all volunteer Armed services will have a limitless pool of Americans to draw from. Isn't evolution grand?
Monday, July 2, 2012
Soul Killers
The Catholic Church has committed the unforgivable sin of institutional suicide. The covering up of child abuse and the moving of pedophile priests from parish to parish has done the work of the devil himself. I was born into Catholicism. In other words I, like many, am a cradle Catholic. I learned to serve as an altar boy when the Mass was conducted in Latin. I was never abused and all the memories I have of those days were pleasant ones. Back then being an altar boy gave you a certain status. It is beyond my comprehension to understand how bishops could simply move a killer of children's souls to another parish and hope for the best. Catholic bishops have lost all moral authority. They shouldn't voice their opinions on societies ills when they themselves have covered up the unpardonable.
At one time in the history of the church, priests were allowed to marry. Now they must remain celibate. To deny the primary biological imperative especially in today's world is just a recipe for disaster. The church is now in the death throws from self inflicted wounds. Even if the Catholic Church turns in every priest accused of child abuse and allows women to become priests and priests to marry, I don't think it will recover.
At one time in the history of the church, priests were allowed to marry. Now they must remain celibate. To deny the primary biological imperative especially in today's world is just a recipe for disaster. The church is now in the death throws from self inflicted wounds. Even if the Catholic Church turns in every priest accused of child abuse and allows women to become priests and priests to marry, I don't think it will recover.
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