Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Saint Job Creator
Have you seen the recent farcical political commericals about how we should reward the rich, euphemistically called job creators now, and not punish them? I just can't believe the nonsense that rich people need to be deified and worshiped as saviors of America. This type of hype wouldn't be swallowed by third graders. Let's analyze what is meant in this instance by the terms rewards and punishments. The rewards are more tax breaks for the obscenely rich and the punishments would be tax hikes on their extravagant lifestyles. How many tax breaks for people stuffing their money into off-shore bank accounts are enough? Sure they have a track record for creating jobs. Jobs for the Communist Chinese Laborer. The rich fat cat has literally bought America and remolded it to fit his lifestyle. They live in guarded, gated communities in their underground expanded mansions listening to the spurious gospels of wealth for the wealthy sung hymn by puffy-haired smiling preachers and want the rest of America to bow down and worship.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Course Correction
How do we change course from policies that have put us in a precarious position economically? The basic mindset of long term economic stability needs to have a goal of growth for all sectors. Not just a gravitation of wealth to the top. You cannot have such disparity and expect economic health to improve.
We have had ten years of tax inequality all based on the premise of wealth from the rich trickling down to the rest of us. If tax cuts for upper income people create jobs, where are they? Republicans wish to implement even greater tax disparity with deeper tax cuts for the rich paid for by the dismantling of any safety net. Medicare is to be turned over to insurance companies. Social Security to be run by Wall Street. Regulations especially from the E.P.A. to be abolished. Their mantra of you're not going to tell us what to do leads to the only policy being the law of the jungle.
Just as Republicans in congress have vowed never to raise taxes, all Democratic lawmakers should sign a pledge to put the country and Americans first not profit for a few.
Revisit N.A.F.T.A. Stop sending jobs and technology overseas just to increase profit share. Make the rich pay higher taxes. Change course!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Why Some American Corporations Hate American Workers
Why do a lot of American businesses hate Americans so much that they happily give jobs to the Communist Chinese rather than patriotically investing in America? In a word, greed. There is no other explanation. The average Chinese manufacturing wage is sixty one cents an hour. I don't care how hard or efficient the American worker is, he cannot compete with this reality. When you have millions of people living hand to mouth they will work for pennies an hour. Is that the new business model here in America? Create an underclass so poor they will work for pennies. We have one presidential candidate who says we should congratulate people of wealth on their success. I personally do not find it patriotic gutting companies of workers, loading on debt, and shipping whatever is left to China or some other country with an oppressed work force. We have a man running for president vowing to turn Medicare over to insurance companies and endorsing a personhood amendment. This same candidate who makes around $50,000.00/day and is tearing down one of his mansions to build a bigger one wants us to give him the ultimate congratulations.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Social Security Crapshoot
Remember when that President from Texas said he had won political capital in his re-election and he was going to spend it turning Social Security over to Wall Street? Most people dismissed this idea as thought of by someone who must be on a steady diet of loco weed. Eventually after invading Iraq while looking under his couch for WMD's he was put out to pasture.
Enter the new doubling down Tea Party Republicans and their wonder boy Paul (it costs too much) Ryan. They have all the answers or should I say answer. The answer is we can't afford it. By we, Republicans mean themselves and their rich supporters. They have decided that insurance companies should handle Medicare and Wall Street should get a crack at Social Security. If they ever take total control you can bet the average life expectancy is going to take a plunge.
Do you know why Social Security works so well? It's because the average person is not an investment wiz who spends hours each day pouring over mindless statistics to see what to invest in. He or she knows that paying into Social Security guarantees them a lifeline after they can no longer work. The way to be sure Social Security will be solvent in the future is to make people who after a cut off point because they make too much, continue paying in.
Let's face it, Wall Street does not need another windfall giveaway of old peoples money to charge investment fees and make even more money. I"m sure Wall Street investors are so honorable that they would never take advantage of the elderly but still why take that chance.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Duel in November
All the skirmishes being fought this year will be coming to a climax with the duel in November. We are about to decide which voice will speak to and for Americans. Pouring forth from the mouth of the elephant is the idea that government programs other than defense, should be eliminated. From the donkey, when it doesn't have laryngitis, is the concept that government was created to help people lead normal safe lives. Before the 2008 elections we had a ruling government that turned the trickle down economics of the 80's into an oasis for the rich and a desert for everyone else. If the elephant regains total power, held out for all to see, is their blueprint. It is the recently voted on Paul Ryan budget. Now you would think in a country where the vast majority of people, if they have jobs, make under 50 thousand dollars a year, would welcome programs that help them. You would be wrong. By appealing to the lowest common denominators present in all of us the Fat Cat has snookered the lazy anti-intellectual American into voting against his own self-interest. The backlash against, the war on women, the abolition of Medicare, and treatment of minorities, is our only hope.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
Dancing the Dumb Dumb
Edgar Rice Burroughs, the wonderful author of Tarzan and many other adventure books, wrote a brilliant scene in one of his Tarzan adventures that to me, is analogous to the right wing voter. It was when the great apes danced what Burroughs called the Dum-Dum. They worked themselves into a frenzied state whirling about in a circle bellowing and making fierce gestures. For those of you that saw the televised reaction to Obama care or the Republican presidential candidate debates, I need say no more. For those of you fortunate enough to miss these primitive displays, let me describe them. As Democratic lawmakers walked to the halls of Congress to vote on health reform, a large circle of fierce gesturing, bellowing right wing zealots surrounded them. One actually spat upon a Congressman. At another, 'anti-health care reform charge us more pro stupidity rally', the simian like crowd crumpled up dollar bills and threw them at a disabled person who was brave enough to voice thanks for government help while dealing with his illness. The Republican debates were even more mind-set revealing. The beserkers in the audience roared their approval of disconnecting life support from non-paying comatose patients. They cheered the over-use of the death penalty. They sneered and hissed at an active duty soldier because he is gay and was glad he didn't have to hide it anymore. Yes, in America today the Dumb Dumb is being danced everyday. If you want to hear the beat, just turn on your right wing radio channel.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Mitt Swifty and His Non-Electric Personality
Around 1910 a new boy hero made his way into literary history. His name was Tom Swift. He was a young scientist who invented devices to help him in his adventures. The books of Tom's adventures also spawned a play on words of sort, called the Tom Swiftly. An example would be "Did you have to run fast?" Tom asked quickly.
I believe today we have a presidential candidate cut from the same heroic mold as Tom Swift. He is pure of heart and well groomed. He re-invents himself and his positions whenever it is expedient. He tries really hard to represent himself as one of the common folk while tearing down one of his mansions to build a bigger one. Let's just listen in on a faux interview of his:
Interviewer: People say you aren't a true conservative."
Mitt Swifty: "Horse feathers, I am so." (Mitt said severly!)
Interviewer: "You have been accused of being a flip flopper."
Mitt Swifty: "I have always been consistant...mostly." (Mitt said Indecisively.)
Interviewer: "How can you be against Obama care when it is basically your plan?"
Mitt Swifty: "Obama care is nothing like my plan if you look closely." (Mitt exclaimed comparingly)
Interviewer: "Some people don't agree with you."
Mitt Swifty: "They aren't real Americans then." (Mitt said patriotically)
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